Spinning Vision Into Reality
Don’t Miss the 2025 GFWC Annual Convention
We are dedicated to improving local communities through volunteer service.

Join Us!

Our Partnership with the Women’s Suffrage National Monument
Join us in funding the first U.S. monument dedicated to Women’s History
An International Organization with
Global Impact
Who we are
With more than 60,000 members in affiliated clubs in every state, the District of Columbia, and more than a dozen countries, GFWC members work in their own communities to support the arts, preserve natural resources, advance education, promote healthy lifestyles, and encourage civic involvement, issues related to domestic and sexual violence awareness/prevention, and advocating for children.
General Federation of Women’s Clubs members vary in age, talents, location, background, and profession, but are united in their dedication to actively improve the lives of others.
members in affiliated clubs in every state
existing volunteer clubs across the globe
founded in 1890, GFWC has over a century of history


GFWC Learning Gateway Webinars
Join the 2024-2026 GFWC Honorary Chairmen to learn from the experts. These free webinars cover topics like heart health, branding, and entrepreneurship. Register under the Events page.

Signature Program: Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention
GFWC creates and leads education, public awareness, and service projects for club members and local citizens at the community level; collaborates with national domestic violence networks and organizations; supports existing activities and established programs; advocates for victims and survivors; and provides educational opportunities to survivors.
GFWC aims to be a powerful voice for victims and survivors.

WHRC: Women’s History and Resource Center
Founded in 1984, the GFWC Women’s History and Resource Center (WHRC) collects, preserves, interprets, and promotes the history of GFWC. The WHRC documents the social and political contributions of GFWC clubwomen from 1890 to the present through the GFWC archives and related special collections.
GFWC Learning Gateway Webinars
Join the 2024-2026 GFWC Honorary Chairmen to learn from the experts. These free webinars cover topics like heart health, branding, and entrepreneurship. Register under the Events page.
Signature Program: Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention
GFWC creates and leads education, public awareness, and service projects for club members and local citizens at the community level; collaborates with national domestic violence networks and organizations; supports existing activities and established programs; advocates for victims and survivors; and provides educational opportunities to survivors.
GFWC aims to be a powerful voice for victims and survivors.
WHRC: Women’s History and Resource Center
Founded in 1984, the GFWC Women’s History and Resource Center (WHRC) collects, preserves, interprets, and promotes the history of GFWC. The WHRC documents the social and political contributions of GFWC clubwomen from 1890 to the present through the GFWC archives and related special collections.

Support Us
GFWC Designated Funds support the work of GFWC by providing essential funding in targeted areas. They are vital to continue GFWC’s mission of strengthening our communities and enhancing the lives of others.

March is Women's History Month!
The theme for 2025 is "Moving Forward Together," to honor the contributions of women who have dedicated their lives to education, mentorship, and leadership to shape the minds and futures of all generations.
Since the founding of GFWC in 1890 by Jane Cunningham Croly, the organization has endeavored to influence the minds of women of all age groups to make their local communities better for their leadership and participation.
On Wednesday, March 5, GFWC is hosting its annual Women's History Month Celebration to honor the contributions and accomplishments of women.
Please join us between 2-4 PM to learn about the "Women of Dupont-Kalorama" the neighborhood GFWC is located, and meet GFWC Librarian Joanna Church to learn about "The Many Lives of GFWC Headquarters." Light refreshments and hors d'oeuvres will be served.
If you are local and would like to participate, please RSVP at the following link: www.memberportal.gfwc.org/events
Let us know in the comments about your mentor or mentee that you are proud of and your personal and/or professional journey with them.
A special thank you to all for making a difference in the lives of many. Happy Women's History Month!
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #WHRC #WomensHistoryMonth #womenshistory #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness … See MoreSee Less

2025 GFWC Annual Convention, June 6-9, in Atlanta
TICK, Tick, tick… time is running out for Early Bird Registration…
EARLY BIRD RATE – $160 until Saturday, March 15!!
Be sure to register this weekend, at the following link: www.eventsquid.com/event.cfm?id=25737
Looking forward to "Spinning Vision into Reality" with you!
#GFWC2025AC #GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #atlanta … See MoreSee Less

It’s WHRC Wednesday! Did you know the Woman’s History and Resource Center collection includes artifacts as well as photographs and archival materials? Take, for example, this hand-painted platter, featuring the US Capitol's Statue of Freedom, a gift to GFWC President Margaret Hasebroock (term: 1964-1966) from the Minden Woman’s Club of Nebraska.
Margaret Hasebroock – who was from West Point, Nebraska, and had previously served as President of the Nebraska Federation of Women’s Clubs – was the guest of honor at the Minden club’s May 1965 meeting. The “Minden Courier” reported, “Mrs. Wm. H. Hasebroock, president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, spoke to approximately 140 members of the Minden Woman's Club and their guests Wednesday evening at the City Hall…. Following Mrs. Hasebroock's talk, Mrs. E.O. Fairchild presented her with a lovely hand-painted plate from the MWC on which was a painting of the Statue of Freedom, which stands atop the dome of the Capitol in Washington, D.C. This statue has been named as the symbol of Mrs. Hasebroock's administration, and she was delighted with the gift which will serve to remind her in coming years of her visit to Minden, as well as her years of service to the General Federation. Mrs. Fairchild and her daughter, Miss Donna Gollehon, spent many hours of research in addition to the actual creation of the plate."
Velma Fees Fairchild (1892-1897) was known for her china painting; the plate is signed “Fairchild” inside a little paint palette. In addition to the Statue, the GFWC Diamond Jubilee (75th anniversary, 1965) is commemorated in the caption. On the back, Fairchild made sure to include a list of “The Three Major G.F.W.C. Projects: 1. Congressional Medal of Honor Grove, 2. Arthritis – Rheumatism – Heart Foundations, 3. G.F.W.C. CARE – Vocational Training." Her hope of commemorating the recipient's GFWC service was realized, as Hasebroock treasured it for many years; after her death, her family donated it to the WHRC collection.
🍽 Diamond Jubilee plate, 13” diameter, handpainted by Velma Fees Fairchild with assistance of Donna Gollehon, 1965. Donated by the Hasebroock family. WHRC Memorabilia collection, 1998.9.17
📷Photo of the presentation, showing Margaret Hasebroock and MWC president Mrs. Harold Robb, from the “Minden Courier,” May 19, 1965
#clubwomeninaction #NebraskaHistory … See MoreSee Less

Shot@Life “2025 Advocate to Vaccinate Spring Summit,” February 24-26, in Washington, DC
GFWC International President Suellen B. Brazil attended the 2025 Advocate to Vaccinate Summit, organized by Shot@Life, in Washington, DC, yesterday. Also, attending this year’s event are 11 GFWC Shot@Life Champion representatives: Elena Coates, Angie Comfort, , Diane Glasgow, Lori Harding, Dianne McCarty, Mary McGahan, Bridget Murphy, Sue O’Dell, Deanna Shepard, Irene Stamper, and Susan Tyler. All these ladies spent today on the Hill visiting with their Members of Congress to discuss the importance of vaccines nationally and around the world.
Thank you, GFWC ShotAtLife Champions, for Living the Volunteer Spirit!
To learn more about ShotAtLife visit: www.shotatlife.org
#GFWCAdvocacy #GFWC_HQ #GFWC #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #ShotAtLife #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccination #VaccinesWork … See MoreSee Less

Want to save on your 2025 GFWC Annual Convention registration?
Register today at a reduced rate of $160. After March 15, the cost increases to $175.
Click on the following link to register: www.eventsquid.com/event.cfm?id=25737
See you in Atlanta!
#gfwc2025ac #GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #atlanta … See MoreSee Less

GFWC Clubwoman Magazine – Winter 2025
Download Your Copy Today!
GFWC Clubwoman Magazine is the premier publication of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), published quarterly (Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall). It serves as a valuable communications tool to inform and educate our members about community service opportunities, project ideas, and ways to enhance club operations.
To download a PDF, click: www.gfwc.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/2025-Winter-Clubwoman-Magazine.pdf
* Please note that back issues of the magazine are available via the GFWC Member Portal: memberportal.gfwc.org/
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #wsnmf #hearthealth #HeartMonth #healthylifestyle #GFWC2025IDS #caninecompanion #heiferinternational #ShotAtLife #alzheimersassociation #WHRC #WomensHistoryisAmericanHistory #WomensHistoryMonth #womenshistory #enddomesticviolence #endsexualviolence #DomesticViolenceAwareness #sexualviolenceawareness #gfwc2025ac … See MoreSee Less

Today's Volunteer Shoutout goes to Moultrie Junior Woman's Club! The ladies created 180 bags of food for students and families in Colquitt County School District to help bridge the weekend food gap. Families that are food insecure usually rely on school meals to feed and nourish their children. What these ladies did benefitted 180 students/families. Thank you for living the volunteer spirit!
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #IamGFWC #endfoodinsecurity #endhunger … See MoreSee Less

It's WHRC Wednesday! In the midst of all that February has to offer, don't forget that it's also National Library Lovers Month. The GFWC Women's History and Resource Center encourages you to celebrate your local library, and your local librarians, this month and every month. Today we're sharing the stories of two librarians from history who had impacts on the field: Mary Lemist Titcomb and Dorothy B. Porter.
Mary L. Titcomb (1852-1932), a GFWC member, served as librarian for the Washington County Free Library in Maryland. She is credited with developing one of the first bookmobile programs in the United States, which she introduced in 1904 to bring the library's resources to more people across her rural county. Her "book wagons" delivered directly to patrons who were unable to easily reach the main library or any of the smaller outposts Titcomb had introduced. This model was used by other libraries across the country (including many libraries that were created or sponsored by GFWC clubs).
Dorothy B. Porter (1905-1995) was the first African American to earn a library science degree from Columbia University. During her career at Howard University in Washington DC, Porter not only developed a major research collection on Black history, she also created a new classification system for books by and about Black Americans, broadening the Dewey Decimal System's narrow, limited scope.
Thanks to these two trailblazing women, library resources were made more accessible, both physically and intellectually. As usual, there's more to know about these women (and the women who helped them!) than can fit in a Facebook post, so I'll pop a few links into the comments. Take a moment this #LibraryLoversMonth to learn about library history!
#clubwomeninaction #WomensHistoryisAmericanHistory
📷Right: Mary Lemist Titcomb, from a user-added image on findagrave.com
📷Left: Dorothy B. Porter, from the Library of Congress photo collection … See MoreSee Less
March is Women`s History Month!
The theme for 2025 is "Moving Forward Together," to honor the contributions of women who have dedicated their lives to education, mentorship, and leadership to shape the minds and futures of all generations.
On Wednesday, March 5, GFWC is hosting its annual Women`s History Month Celebration to honor the contributions and accomplishments of women.
Please join us between 2-4 PM to learn about the "Women of Dupont-Kalorama" the neighborhood GFWC is located, and meet GFWC Librarian Joanna Church to learn about "The Many Lives of GFWC Headquarters."
If you are local and would like to participate, please RSVP at the following link: www.memberportal.gfwc.org/events
A special thank you to all for making a difference in the lives of many. Happy Women`s History Month!
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #WHRC #WomensHistoryMonth #womenshistory #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness

March is Women`s History Month!
The theme for 2025 is "Moving Forward Together," to honor the contributions of women who have dedicated their lives to education, mentorship, and leadership to shape the minds and futures of all generations.
On Wednesday, March 5, GFWC is hosting its annual Women`s History Month Celebration to honor the contributions and accomplishments of women.
Please join us between 2-4 PM to learn about the "Women of Dupont-Kalorama" the neighborhood GFWC is located, and meet GFWC Librarian Joanna Church to learn about "The Many Lives of GFWC Headquarters."
If you are local and would like to participate, please RSVP at the following link: www.memberportal.gfwc.org/events
A special thank you to all for making a difference in the lives of many. Happy Women`s History Month!
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #WHRC #WomensHistoryMonth #womenshistory #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness …
2025 GFWC Annual Convention, June 6-9, in Atlanta
TICK, Tick, tick… time is running out for Early Bird Registration…
EARLY BIRD RATE – $160 until Saturday, March 15!
Be sure to register this weekend, at the following link: https://www.eventsquid.com/event.cfm?id=25737
Looking forward to "Spinning Vision into Reality" with you!
#GFWC2025AC #GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #atlanta

2025 GFWC Annual Convention, June 6-9, in Atlanta
TICK, Tick, tick… time is running out for Early Bird Registration…
EARLY BIRD RATE – $160 until Saturday, March 15!
Be sure to register this weekend, at the following link: https://www.eventsquid.com/event.cfm?id=25737
Looking forward to "Spinning Vision into Reality" with you!
#GFWC2025AC #GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #atlanta …
Registration Open for 2025 GFWC Annual Convention, June 6-9, in Atlanta
"Spinning Vision Into Reality"
This year`s Annual Convention program is packed full with distinguished guest speakers, educational workshops, spectacular socials, and fun opportunities for you to create more memories with your GFWC sisters!
The Early Bird registration of $160 ends on March 15th. After that date registration increases to $175.
Register soon to save!
Click on the following link to complete your registration: https://www.eventsquid.com/event.cfm?id=25737
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #gfwc25ac #atlanta #thingstodoinatlanta

Registration Open for 2025 GFWC Annual Convention, June 6-9, in Atlanta
"Spinning Vision Into Reality"
This year`s Annual Convention program is packed full with distinguished guest speakers, educational workshops, spectacular socials, and fun opportunities for you to create more memories with your GFWC sisters!
The Early Bird registration of $160 ends on March 15th. After that date registration increases to $175.
Register soon to save!
Click on the following link to complete your registration: https://www.eventsquid.com/event.cfm?id=25737
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #gfwc25ac #atlanta #thingstodoinatlanta …
GFWC Clubwoman Magazine – Winter 2025
Download Your Copy Today!
GFWC Clubwoman Magazine is the premier publication of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), published quarterly (Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall). It serves as a valuable communications tool to inform and educate our members about community service opportunities, project ideas, and ways to enhance club operations.
To download a PDF, click: https://www.gfwc.org/…/2025-Winter-Clubwoman-Magazine.pdf
* Please note that back issues of the magazine are available via the GFWC Member Portal: https://memberportal.gfwc.org/
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #wsnmf #hearthealth #HeartMonth #healthylifestyle #GFWC2025IDS #caninecompanion #heiferinternational #ShotAtLife #alzheimersassociation #WHRC #WomensHistoryisAmericanHistory #WomensHistoryMonth #womenshistory #enddomesticviolence #endsexualviolence #DomesticViolenceAwareness #sexualviolenceawareness #gfwc2025ac

GFWC Clubwoman Magazine – Winter 2025
Download Your Copy Today!
GFWC Clubwoman Magazine is the premier publication of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), published quarterly (Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall). It serves as a valuable communications tool to inform and educate our members about community service opportunities, project ideas, and ways to enhance club operations.
To download a PDF, click: https://www.gfwc.org/…/2025-Winter-Clubwoman-Magazine.pdf
* Please note that back issues of the magazine are available via the GFWC Member Portal: https://memberportal.gfwc.org/
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #wsnmf #hearthealth #HeartMonth #healthylifestyle #GFWC2025IDS #caninecompanion #heiferinternational #ShotAtLife #alzheimersassociation #WHRC #WomensHistoryisAmericanHistory #WomensHistoryMonth #womenshistory #enddomesticviolence #endsexualviolence #DomesticViolenceAwareness #sexualviolenceawareness #gfwc2025ac …
In honor of Black History Month, here is a nugget of Friday trivia…
Have you ever wondered why certain months are selected to commemorate important days/events in history?
If so, you`re in luck…
Black History Month`s annual commemoration originates in the United States, and the month of February chosen because it celebrates the birthdays of two prominent civil rights leaders:
1) U.S. President Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865), and
2) Frederick Douglass, a renowned abolitionist, orator, writer and statesman.
The celebration of Black History Month began in 1970, and U.S. President Gerald Ford officially declared February as the month to honor the contributions of Black Americans throughout history in 1976. Ten years later, in 1986, Congress passed a Public Law declaring February be recognized nationally as "Black History Month."
In honor of all our black leaders and community members working to make a difference in the lives of many, GFWC celebrates your good works of the past, present, and future. Thank you for all you do to make our country and communities better!
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #BlackHistoryMonth

In honor of Black History Month, here is a nugget of Friday trivia…
Have you ever wondered why certain months are selected to commemorate important days/events in history?
If so, you`re in luck…
Black History Month`s annual commemoration originates in the United States, and the month of February chosen because it celebrates the birthdays of two prominent civil rights leaders:
1) U.S. President Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865), and
2) Frederick Douglass, a renowned abolitionist, orator, writer and statesman.
The celebration of Black History Month began in 1970, and U.S. President Gerald Ford officially declared February as the month to honor the contributions of Black Americans throughout history in 1976. Ten years later, in 1986, Congress passed a Public Law declaring February be recognized nationally as "Black History Month."
In honor of all our black leaders and community members working to make a difference in the lives of many, GFWC celebrates your good works of the past, present, and future. Thank you for all you do to make our country and communities better!
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #BlackHistoryMonth …
Who are you WEARing RED for toDAY?…
Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Counted.
Know the signs of a stroke and heart attack before they happen. The more you know could save your life or someone else`s.
Please share your club`s photos with us in honor of "National Wear Red Day!"
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #WearRedDay #WearRedAndGive #IAmGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #hearthealth #healthylifestyle #healthyliving

Who are you WEARing RED for toDAY?…
Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Counted.
Know the signs of a stroke and heart attack before they happen. The more you know could save your life or someone else`s.
Please share your club`s photos with us in honor of "National Wear Red Day!"
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #WearRedDay #WearRedAndGive #IAmGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #hearthealth #healthylifestyle #healthyliving …
2025 Women`s History Month
Join us for GFWC`s annual Women`s History Month Celebration. Featuring a presentation from "A Tour of Her Own" of women`s stories from the Dupont-Kalorama neighborhood.
Learn more about the women who shaped this influential area of Washington, D.C., from local experts while enjoying the splendor of the almost 150-year-old GFWC Headquarters building.
This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served following the presentations.
Please RSVP by February 26, 2025.
To register, visit: memberportal.gfwc.org/events
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #WomensHistoryisAmericanHistory #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit

2025 Women`s History Month
Join us for GFWC`s annual Women`s History Month Celebration. Featuring a presentation from "A Tour of Her Own" of women`s stories from the Dupont-Kalorama neighborhood.
Learn more about the women who shaped this influential area of Washington, D.C., from local experts while enjoying the splendor of the almost 150-year-old GFWC Headquarters building.
This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served following the presentations.
Please RSVP by February 26, 2025.
To register, visit: memberportal.gfwc.org/events
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #WomensHistoryisAmericanHistory #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit …
2025 GFWC "Call to Convention" — Download PDF Today!
GFWC is delighted to present the 2025 GFWC Annual Convention, June 6-9, in Atlanta, "Call to Convention!"
Hotel reservations and event registration is currently open and runs through Sunday, April 13. Please register early to secure the best rates for accommodations and travel.
To learn more about the event and make reservations, please visit: https://www.gfwc.org/annual-convention/
For more information, email GFWC Events Manager Nishu Raina at NRaina@GFWC.org.
See you in Atlanta!
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #atlanta #gfwc25ac

2025 GFWC "Call to Convention" — Download PDF Today!
GFWC is delighted to present the 2025 GFWC Annual Convention, June 6-9, in Atlanta, "Call to Convention!"
Hotel reservations and event registration is currently open and runs through Sunday, April 13. Please register early to secure the best rates for accommodations and travel.
To learn more about the event and make reservations, please visit: https://www.gfwc.org/annual-convention/
For more information, email GFWC Events Manager Nishu Raina at NRaina@GFWC.org.
See you in Atlanta!
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #atlanta #gfwc25ac …
Did you know that the #1 killer of women is cardiovascular disease?
It is never too early to learn about heart health and what you can do to keep yours healthy for a lifetime. The month of February is dedicated to "healthy heart" awareness.
Learn the symptoms of a stroke and heart attack, and what a healthy diet consists of to maintain your heart`s health.
Please mark your calendars today for Friday, February 7, "National Wear Red Day" to raise awareness on this important topic.
Be sure to share your photos with us throughout the day!
To learn more, visit: www.heart.org
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #healthylifestyle #HealthyLiving #WearRedDay #HeartHealth

Did you know that the #1 killer of women is cardiovascular disease?
It is never too early to learn about heart health and what you can do to keep yours healthy for a lifetime. The month of February is dedicated to "healthy heart" awareness.
Learn the symptoms of a stroke and heart attack, and what a healthy diet consists of to maintain your heart`s health.
Please mark your calendars today for Friday, February 7, "National Wear Red Day" to raise awareness on this important topic.
Be sure to share your photos with us throughout the day!
To learn more, visit: www.heart.org
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #healthylifestyle #HealthyLiving #WearRedDay #HeartHealth …
2025 GFWC Annual Convention — Now Accepting Program Ads
Show your appreciation for your GFWC sisters` good works!
GFWC is presently accepting ads for inclusion in the 2025 GFWC Annual Convention Program, which is distributed to all attendees.
You have the options of purchasing a full-page, half-page, or quarter-page ads. Orders along with payment must be submitted by Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
To download an order form, visit: https://memberportal.gfwc.org/…/convention-program-ad…
For more information, please contact Design and Publications Manager Candice Gill at CGill@GFWC.org.
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #gfwc2025ac #iamgfwc #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #atlanta

2025 GFWC Annual Convention — Now Accepting Program Ads
Show your appreciation for your GFWC sisters` good works!
GFWC is presently accepting ads for inclusion in the 2025 GFWC Annual Convention Program, which is distributed to all attendees.
You have the options of purchasing a full-page, half-page, or quarter-page ads. Orders along with payment must be submitted by Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
To download an order form, visit: https://memberportal.gfwc.org/…/convention-program-ad…
For more information, please contact Design and Publications Manager Candice Gill at CGill@GFWC.org.
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #gfwc2025ac #iamgfwc #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #atlanta …