Who we are

With more than 63,000 members in affiliated clubs in every state, the District of Columbia, and more than a dozen countries, GFWC members work in their own communities to support the arts, preserve natural resources, advance education, promote healthy lifestyles, and encourage civic involvement, issues related to domestic and sexual violence awareness/prevention, and advocating for children.


General Federation of Women’s Clubs members vary in age, talents, location, background, and profession, but are united in their dedication to actively improve the lives of others.


members in affiliated clubs in every state


existing volunteer clubs across the globe


founded in 1890, GFWC has over a century of history

Protect a National Historic Landmark

Leave a lasting impact by donating to the GFWC Headquarters Façade Restoration and Beautification Project Fund. Every donation brings us closer to our goal of restoring our Headquarters façade to its full glory, helping repair the iconic white front-facing exterior walls of GFWC’s beloved Headquarters buildings.


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Support Us

GFWC Designated Funds support the work of GFWC by providing essential funding in targeted areas. They are vital to continue GFWC’s mission of strengthening our communities and enhancing the lives of others.