
Volunteers in Action: GFWC Woman’s Club of Winter Haven (Florida)

Each year, GFWC Woman’s Club of Winter Haven (Florida) funds a scholarship for local students. This year’s recipients are two talented young women, Madison Dobbs and Jazmin Patel.

Madison Dobbs is the recipient of the $4000.00 endowed scholarship. She is eagerly waiting news of her acceptance to UCF where she plans to study to be a nurse practitioner. If she is not accepted there she will attend Polk State College and enroll in the fine nursing studies program. Madison is such a lovely speaking, polite, friendly, and positive young lady. Congratulations Madison!

Jazmin Patel is the recipient of the Consumer Science Award and will graduate from the Cambridge Program at Winter Haven High School. Thanks to the generosity of club members this year’s check will be $500. Jazmin is also waiting to hear from UCF where she plans to study business. If she is not accepted at UCF, she will attend Sante Fe College in Gainesville for two years and then transfer to University of Florida in Gainesville. Jazmin is a focused, intelligent, and personable young woman. Congratulations Jazmin!

The GFWC Woman’s Club of Winter Haven would like you to thank all those who contributed to the success of these wonderful young women.