
Volunteers in Action: GFWC International Affiliate in Brazil

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, International Affiliate GFWC CrêSer in Brazil is focusing its work on helping those in need. CrêSer is working to provide supplies and shelter to families affected by unemployment and cut in wages.

CrêSer relied on great commitment from its volunteers and employees for the manufacturing and distribution of 2,000 fabric and 300 acetate protection masks. A fundraising campaign made it possible to set up 1,215 baskets with non-perishable food that was delivered to families in need.

CrêSer adopted all hygienic security measures by suspending group activities, communicating via telephone, internet, and social networks. They also practiced social isolation and domestic care, as well as the prevention of violence against children, adolescents, and women.

CrêSer hope to return to normal programs soon!

2 replies on “Volunteers in Action: GFWC International Affiliate in Brazil”

O nosso amor por vidas nos faz acreditar no ser humano e dedicar esforços para a construção de um mundo melhor. Juntos nós podemos alcançar muitos corações e contribuir com o nosso maior objetivo, Combater a Desigualdade e Exclusão Social.

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