GFWC California

GFWC Woman’s Club of Indio

The GFWC Woman’s Club of Indio’s 2023 GFWC National Day of Service projects benefitted 2 organizations: FIND Food Bank (FIND) & Coachella Valley Rescue Mission (CVRM). They helped FIND by providing healthy food collection, solicitation of monetary donations, assembly of 302 produce bags, and 270 Senior Boxes. At CVRM they prepped food for meals including cutting, chopping or peeling carrots, onions & bell peppers, cracking & mixing 800 raw eggs. The Woman’s Club of Raleigh (TWCR) made a connection with a local high school and discovered a need for snacks for some students. Snacks donated by members were delivered in November.  While making the delivery, volunteers were told that hoodies were also a need as the weather has gotten colder.  At the club’s December general meeting, money, snacks, and hoodies were donated. TWCR was able to deliver 50 hoodies and a trunk full of snacks to the high school for their food pantry and after school program.

Volunteers in Action: GFWC Woman’s Club of Enfield (CT)

GFWC Connecticut GFWC Woman’s Club of Enfield The GFWC Woman’s Club of Enfield (CT) part…

Volunteers in Action: GFWC Peninsula District Club (WA)

In Washington State the GFWC Peninsula District Club contributed to the GFWC National Day of Service…

Volunteers in Action: GFWC Woman’s Club of Raleigh (NC)