
Autism Awareness Month – Bobbi Taylor’s Story

Clubwoman Bobbi Taylor has first-hand knowledge of how autism effects children and their families. When her grandson Logan was 2 years old, his parents began noticing the symptoms of autism. Unfortunately, doctors in his hometown of Atlanta, Georgia misdiagnosed his condition. It took Logan’s family 8 years of research and doctor visits to gain a correct diagnosis. Logan is on the low end of the autism spectrum.

Thanks to his family’s persistence and the intervention of Logan’s current doctor, his condition has greatly improved. Next year, he hopes to be in a mainstream classroom and spends much of his free time with his Transformer action figures – just like his peers. If Bobbi could give her fellow clubwoman one piece of advice, it would be to consider autism the next time they judge a child to be “misbehaving” in public. During the years of struggling to find a correct diagnosis and treatment, Logan’s parents were often hurt by criticism of his autistic behaviors which strangers misperceived as being the result of poor parenting.

Autistic children often have meltdowns due to over stimulation. Enabling the public to identify this and the other signs and symptoms of autism is one goal of Autism Awareness Month. Use the month of April and the resources provided by Easterseals, GFWC’s Home Life Community Service Program Partner, to expand your own knowledge of autism.

Download the Easterseals Autism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet
Watch the “Wondering if Your Child Is Developing on Track?” Video