
Help tell the GFWC Story! A Call for Oral Histories

In the early 1990s, the Women’s History Resource Center (WHRC) launched a nationwide effort to verbally collect the histories of our illustrious clubwomen. The project resulted in an impressive collection of over 200 oral histories, ranging from International Past Presidents and region presidents to members of local committees and average clubwomen. These tapes and transcripts are an invaluable resource to clubwomen and researchers alike who are looking to garner a more personal account of over 100 years of GFWC’s history.

While this effort was an admirable start, the project is still underway. The WHRC would like to continue to expand this collection of personal histories.  However, we can’t do it without your help! If you would like to share your GFWC experiences, please contact WHRC Manager Alyssa Constad at to set up a date and time. Histories can be given over the phone, so location is not an issue. Our history is important and we need you to help tell our story!