
GFWC: A Loud Voice in the Fight Against Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence is something that many people don’t want to talk about. Instead of addressing this devastating issue, some would rather stay away from such a heavy topic and claim it doesn’t happen in their community. But the truth is, domestic violence can happen anywhere and to anyone, regardless of age, financial status, race, religion, or education. According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, more than one in three women has experienced rape, physical violence, or stalking by a partner, and three women are killed by a current or former partner every day in the United States.

We need to talk about domestic violence, not only in October, but every day of the year. We owe it to survivors of domestic violence whose stories need to be told. We owe it to the women who are currently experiencing physical, emotional, sexual, or financial abuse. And we owe it to those victims of domestic violence who were tragically killed by an intimate partner.

GFWC is not afraid to be a loud voice in the fight to end domestic violence. We’ve made that clear by making Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention our Signature Program, giving clubs across the country the resources they need to create change. Whether sending notes of encouragement and care packages to women at local domestic violence shelters, writing letters to the editor, or planting purple flowers around town, members are committed to spreading awareness and ending violence against women.

On both a local and national level, GFWC supports victims of domestic violence. The GFWC Success for Survivors Scholarship provides funds for women who have experienced abuse, allowing them to attend college and continue their journey of recovery. Through the GFWC Legislative Action Center, members advocate for laws that protect victims of domestic violence.

Sadly, domestic violence will continue if we don’t speak up. That’s why we refuse to back down and will show the world that we as GFWC members are united in the fight to end domestic violence. Use Domestic Violence Awareness Month as a platform to begin talking about this issue in your community. Encourage members to wear purple, whether to your next meeting, around town, or on Purple Thursday, which takes place on Thursday, October 20.

Become familiar with the Signature Program section of the GFWC Club Manual, which is filled with important statistics about domestic violence, as well as project ideas. You can download it by clicking here. The National Network to End Domestic Violence also offers valuable information about domestic violence, including frequently asked questions, factsheets, and the impact on the economy as a result of domestic violence.

By supporting GFWC’s Signature Program and organizations in your community, you are making it possible for survivors to return to school, for victims to receive help through domestic violence hotlines, and for shelters to provide a safe refuge for women with nowhere else to go. The Signature Program Committee is extremely proud of the efforts of our members as we come together to end domestic violence. We know GFWC will continue to make strides in this fight throughout the 2016-2018 Administration.

Send photos of your activities during Domestic Violence Awareness Month and your club wearing purple to and we’ll share them on the GFWC Pinterest page.