
GFWC Atlanta Woman’s Club Finds Success on Social Media

By Cimi Douglass, GFWC Atlanta Woman’s Club President
Judy Reece, Atlanta Woman’s Club Communications Chair
Britton Rogers, Atlanta Woman’s Club Social Media Chair

The mission of the Atlanta Woman’s Club is to encourage our members to become interested and involved citizens of the community by engaging in charitable activities that benefit the community as a whole. Our mission statement answers three basic but incredibly important questions that make our club work more meaningful—what are we doing, why are we doing it, and who we are doing it for?

When we move forward on anything, whether it’s supporting a charity or writing our social media posts, we consistently keep these questions in mind.  The common phrase “Actions speak louder than words” reminds us of the importance of living out our mission on social media and to show the public what we are doing, why we are doing it, and who we are doing it for.

Our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram followers increase every month. Our Facebook posts give the public a glimpse of our members and demonstrate how we are fulfilling our mission. The Atlanta Woman’s Club Facebook page is linked to our Twitter and Instagram feeds for individuals and other nonprofits to follow and learn more about what we are doing within the club and our community. All of our social media platforms use the hashtag #atlwomansclub to connect public conversations into a single stream.

In addition to social media buttons on our club website, each year we create a “Members in Action” video highlighting a few of our activities. The video shows our members out in the community and spotlights a few of the charities we support. This video is posted on Vimeo, which gives the viewer a general sense of what we do set to inspiring music. The club also has a profile on LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Without engaging and inspiring content, social media is meaningless. Without social media, nobody will know who we are, what we are doing, and why we are doing it. There are three main components to any successful social media strategy—type of content, time of posting, and frequency of posting. We consistently keep these in mind. We also realize that every action we take on social media networks should be a part of a larger social media marketing strategy. That means every post, reply, like, and comment should all be guided by a plan that is helping us meet our mission and charitable goals.

We want to have a presence on any platform that will allow us to share information about our club, whether that means Facebook for all demographics, Twitter for mass exposure, Instagram for visual content, LinkedIn for professionals, or Pinterest for the leisurely hobbyist. We feel it is key to stay relevant with technology and to participate in social media. By doing so, the message of the Atlanta Woman’s Club will reach a wider audience and we will fulfill our mission.

To view the social media accounts of the Atlanta Woman’s Club, visit and scroll to the bottom of the page.