
Participate in Read Across America Day 2017

By Chris Sienkielewski
GFWC Education Chairman

Whenever GFWC members come together, the conversation inevitably turns to books. It’s great to hear about books that have the power to bring you to a new world with great adventures where we can slip into someone else’s shoes. Just by sitting in a chair and reading a book, we can travel the world, meet amazing people, escape from prison, or even have lunch with the president.

GFWC members love reading and are dedicated to increasing literacy rates. Read Across America Day on March 2 is the perfect opportunity to share this passion for education and reading with the world while also promoting GFWC’s message of Living the Volunteer Spirit.

Founded in 1998, Read Across America takes place every year on March 2 to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss and to motivate children to read. Last year, clubs across the country dressed up as Dr. Seuss characters, served as guest readers at elementary schools, and donated books. Below are just a few of the many ways you can participate in Read Across America Day and spread literacy throughout March.

Share your love of reading with GFWC
Many of us have read books that changed our lives and gave us a new perspective of the world. We have all finished reading a book and wished we could discuss it with someone. Have you read a good book lately? To celebrate reading and Read Across America Day, we want to hear from you. In 100 words or less, tell us about a book you recently finished or one that has made an impact in your life. What made this book so special? What is your favorite line from the book, and why?

Send your responses and a photo with your favorite book to The photos and responses will be compiled into a board on the GFWC Pinterest page. Sharing what you loved about your favorite books will give clubwomen ideas about new books to read and will help spark a discussion about literature. This is a great way to invite others to talk with one another about a great book!

Spread Awareness of Read Across America
Read Across America, a project of the National Education Association, offers a variety of public relations tools that you can use on your social media pages. Download artwork including ads, web banners, posters, and more by visiting Read Across America also offers fact sheets that demonstrate the importance of reading aloud to children.

Plan an Education Community Service Program Project
The GFWC Club Manual offers dozens of project ideas related to the Education Community Service Program, including a library tour for children, book drives, and more. Click here to download the Education section of the Club Manual and consider adapting one of these projects for your club.

Learn about Epsilon Sigma Omicron
An honorary educational society open to all dues-paying members of GFWC, Epsilon Sigma Omicron (ESO) was founded over 60 years ago and provides clubwomen with a reading program designed for self-improvement and growth. Contact your State President to verify the charter of an ESO chapter in your state. You can view a list of reading materials and learn more by clicking here.

Give the Gift of Reading
If you have children or grandchildren, spend some time reading aloud to them. Donate books to your local library or elementary school. Reach out to schools in your community and see if they need reading tutors. Start a Little Free Library in your community. Give books as birthday presents. The possibilities for sharing books with others are endless!

This March, combine your love for reading and volunteering by participating in Read Across America. Whatever activity you decide to pursue, be sure to send photos to, and remember Dr. Seuss’s famous words: “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”