
Atlanta Woman’s Club’s Spread the Love Challenge!

By: Cimi Douglass, President; Judy Reece, Communications Chair; Britton Rogers, Social Media

Kindness. Is it contagious? Well the Atlanta Woman’s Club (AWC) thinks it is. What if we lived each day with the purpose of making a difference in someone’s life? Would it be contagious? Could it begin that ripple effect of spreading peace, love, and kindness within our communities? The Atlanta Woman’s Club believes it will.

At the Atlanta Woman’s Club’s June meeting members were challenged to participate in AWC’s Spread the Love Challenge throughout the summer. Each week, AWC will challenge its members and Facebook friends to do ONE RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS. A Random Act of Kindness will be posted each week and AWC would like you to join them and consider putting it into action. Some challenges will be easy and some will force members to dig a little deeper. Whether you choose to participate in the challenge that week or choose your own random act of kindness, what’s important is that you attempt to find ways to spread love and kindness in the communities you live. If you accomplish the task, AWC would love for you to share your experience by posting it on their Facebook page.

Most of us will never be involved in solving the big world problems, so… what CAN you do?  It’s easy, you can spread the love, one person at a time, one project at a time. We may not be able to end homelessness or war, but little random acts of kindness can make a big difference. It’s simple and takes just a minute of effort on your part but it can have lasting results for the people around us – people we may never see again, but who will remember the kind gesture or puts a smile on someone’s face and maybe, just maybe some will even pass it on.

So are you up for the challenge?

Here are some examples:

  • Surprise our firemen! Visit a fire station–deliver fresh fruit, cupcakes, watermelon or other goodies.
  • Leave a nice note on the windshield of a car
  • Give a server a generous tip with a nice written compliment
  • Pay for the order of the person behind you
  • Bring treats to the office to share with co-workers