
What Can You Do for World Food Day?

Hunger statistics have always been troubling, but they continue to get worse. The Food and Agricultural Organization reported that from 2015 to 2016, the estimated number of undernourished people in the world rose from 777 million to 815 million.

The organization established World Food Day in 1979 to raise awareness about issues involving food distribution and hunger. Nonprofit organizations around the world come together every October 16th to observe the day with events that help raise awareness and money for reducing poverty and hunger, which are inextricably linked.

Each year, World Food Day has a different theme to target an area where taking action is necessary. 2017’s theme is “Change the future of migration. Invest in food security and rural development.” The ultimate goal is to work towards long term changes by investing in a system that is sustainable, and changing the way we distribute food so that people, particularly poor people, have more access to it, and that perhaps one day we will live in a world without hunger. While those are some large goals, individuals can make their own difference by prioritizing the issue of hunger and having projects in their community. So what can your club do this year to mark the day?

  • Organize a food drive for your community. Additionally, since food banks can buy bulk food at a discount, consider donating money to help them make those purchases.
  • Support organizations that work toward ending hunger. One of GFWC’s sponsors, Heifer International, is the perfect example of who to support, as it is their mission to ensure that impoverished areas have access to sustainable agriculture.
  • Volunteer at a community farm.
  • Host or volunteer at a meal packaging event.
  • Look for programs to support in your area that will ensure that schoolchildren who rely on school meals also have food for afterschool and over the weekends.
  • Create a community garden so local residents have the opportunity to grow and eat food that is both healthy and affordable. You can also donate surplus produce to food banks and soup kitchens that accept more than non-perishable food.

Additionally, you can make a difference right in your kitchen by eating sustainably! Buy food at your local farmers market, or search for brands that support small-scale farmers. If you purchase Fair Trade certified food and clothing, it ensures that the people who grew or produced it are treated and paid fairly.

So organize a project or find a local event in your area this World Food Day to be a part of the global mission to fight hunger!