
Volunteers in Action: GFWC California; GFWC High Springs New Century Woman’s Club; GFWC Western Fairfax County Woman’s Club

On July 31, 2019, several members from clubs throughout Southern California joined to support the all-volunteer, non-profit For the Troops. They packed “We Care” packages to send to members of the military. They contain basic necessities and some goodies as well.

Left to right are Shirley Palmer and Jackie Thomas,  GFWC Oak View Women’s Club; volunteers Melissa and her son; Leanna Kennedy,
GFWC Oak View Women’s Club; volunteer Helen; Shirley Scott, Simi Valley Women’s Club; Carina Solecki, Ojai Valley Woman’s Club; volunteers Christine and Zoey;
Lois Stewart, Ojai Valley Woman’s Club; Connie Biggers, GFWC Oak View Women’s Club; and Patti Bagley, Co-President of Ojai Valley Woman’s Club.

The GFWC High Springs New Century Woman’s Club (Florida) donated proceeds from their “Real Men Make Soup” fundraiser to the local police and fire departments. The police department will use the donation to purchased needed incidentals, and the fire department will use it to replaced parts of their CPR manikins. It was a great way for the club to thank first responders for the dedication to their community.

With 169 combined years of service to GFWC Western Fairfax County Woman’s Club (Virginia), seven women have left their marks on their club and community and continue to do so. The Greenbriar Civic Association (GCA) honored these women with the Greenbriar Citizen-of-the-Year award over a span of 15 years. Each year, residents nominate neighbors they deem deserving of this special honor for their service to the community. The GCA even changed the name of the community center to the Cale Community Center to recognize club member Barbara Cale and her husband for their many years of service to the community. 

Club members: Lois Price, Marion Brown, Barbara Levermann, Barbara Cale,
Eileen Chambers and Lee Conley. Not pictured is clubwoman Roasannah Moser, deceased.

From helping the local library raise more than one million dollars from biannual book sales organized by the Friends of the Chantilly Regional Library to helping keep the local paper, the Greenbriar Flyer, up and running for many years, these Virginia clubwomen are emblematic of what it means to be a Volunteer in Action.