Volunteers in Action: The Woman’s Club of Clayton and GFWC North Central Junior Alumnae Club
The Woman’s Club of Clayton 
Several North Carolina clubwomen participated in a 5K walk/run to support House of Hope, an organization that offers support services to girls and their families.
Members of The Woman’s Club of Clayton (North Carolina) are continuing their efforts to support House of Hope, a therapeutic school, home, and counseling center for girls ages 12-17 and their families. One of the many ways the clubwomen supported the center was through participating in a 5K walk/run organized by House of Hope in September. With the help of the members and other area residents, the event raised more than $7,000 for the organization. Health and Wellness Co-Chair Nancy Maynard said several members jumped at the opportunity to participate and donate funds.
“Everyone had a great time. This is one of our passions, so any chance to support them, we take,” she said.
In addition to participating in the 5K, Nancy said members also regularly sign up to prepare monthly meals for the girls living in the home, a couple of clubwomen are looking to begin volunteering as tutors once a week, and they have provided Christmas gifts to the girls in the past. She added they are always looking for new ways to show their support to House of Hope.
“This is just a special little place,” she said. “We want these young women to go on to have successful lives.”
GFWC North Central Junior Alumnae Club 
West Virginia clubwomen put together gift bags of school supplies for teachers heading back into the classroom this year.
The GFWC North Central Junior Alumnae Club (West Virginia) showed their support to teachers and students this year by contributing more than $900 to create Back to School Teacher Support Bags. Club President Cindy Jenkins said this project was created last year to give teachers a boost as they start off the new school year, and members were all excited to participate once again.
“We really wanted to say, ‘thank you’ to the teachers,” she said.
Cindy explained some members provided gift cards or cash so that teachers could purchase specific items that they had a need for, while others put together gift bags filled with school essentials, such as tissues, pencils, disinfectant spray, glue sticks, and more. In addition to the supplies, she said members also like to include a small gift for the teachers to enjoy, such as a bottle of hand lotion or some candy.
“The teachers need our support because they support our kids,” Cindy said.
She added that the club will likely continue with this project in the future, as there will always be a need for new school supplies in the classroom.