More Than Words

By JoBeth Wampler

When my husband and I first suspected our son Joshua might have autism, we reacted like most parents. We’d just returned from a whirlwind vacation and marathon drive home when my sister asked me to speak about my job for a group of students she was mentoring. Bring the kids, she said. We’ve got coloring books and crayons. I’ll entertain them in another room. Just come! So off we went.

It was the day before Josh’s second birthday.

Another long trip in the car that we were growing to hate and we finally arrived a little worn for wear. My sister, standing in the open doorway, waved as we approach. I pulled into the parking lot, looked down into my purse and looked up to see my sister is standing there in front of the car window. She looked like a serial killer – all teeth and wide eyes. I cracked the door and she says her hello. By the way, that girl I was telling you about, she’s here. My sister points at Josh, still strapped innocently in his car seat. That was the moment I almost shut the car door and left.

For months, my sister, the college student psychoanalyst, had been saying Joshua had a problem. He should be speaking by now, she said in her know-it-all tone. My mom had laughed, Give some people a psychology book and they’ll diagnose themselves with 50 new disorders. Give your sister one and she’ll diagnose everyone else. In regards to Josh, my sister talked about something called Asperger’s, obviously getting it confused with its broader spectrum brother Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). She was still a student after all. Wrong in a technical sense, but right in intuition.

When she started telling me she worked with a girl whose son had been diagnosed, I started putting her off. This time, she wouldn’t let me escape. Helping me get inside the building, she introduces me and I speak around 20 minutes about my job – something these kids could have cared less about. Sister carts my son and daughter back into the room and motions to one of the other mentors. This is the one, she says in a hushed voice to a girl, pointing down at Josh. Did you notice it? She takes her fingers and rolls an imaginary toy between them, noting his affinity for rolling the wheels on a matchbox car he was gripping.

I think it’s easy to say how you might respond in a moment like that. Some might feel inquisitive – “Anything to help your child.” Some might have taken to heart the good intentions that were there – “They meant well.” I wasn’t there yet. I put on my best face, knowing that’s how I was supposed to respond. I asked questions and listened to the answers.

Inside, I was screaming.

A bunch of college-aged, amateur psychotherapists were analyzing my son – MY BABY – in front of the at-risk teens they were supposed to be mentoring. It was inappropriate. It was presumptuous. And they were wrong. Like my sister had done, the name Asperger’s was thrown around over and over between the group.

With a faux smile on my face and an I love you to my sister, I left that day, barely keeping it together. She didn’t notice, at the time, how fast I was to exit. I pulled onto the roadway and burst into tears. Dialing my husband at work, I told him what had happened and asked him to look up Asperger’s. What is this? Do you think Josh really has this? When we got home, I plowed through all the baby books and realized our son did not have Asperger’s. But this other thing, this autism thing, that actually does sound familiar. That sounds like our son.

The next day, our baby boy’s second birthday, I watched everything he did. It wasn’t his birthday anymore. It was a social experiment to see how different my child was from every other normally developing two-year-old. I noticed every toy he played with and how he played with it. I paid special attention to eye contact and how he avoided mine. I swelled with emotion, repeating back all the statistics in my head about how he may never speak or socialize or notice the world around him the way our daughter would.

Over the next few months, we would learn that our son did, in fact, have Autism Spectrum Disorder and that he may never enjoy a baseball game, come home with a frog in his pocket, kiss a girl, or tell us he loved us. It was the hardest time of our lives, as we came to grips with the possibility we may someday wish he’d die before we did. Because, being on the severe side of the spectrum, it’s possible he’ll never be able to function without our care.

Today, he’s almost seven years old and those words in his mind still haven’t quite found their way to the surface. The few he had learned at two years old are gone. Matchbox cars don’t go ‘Vroom, vroom.’ They’re lined up strategically on the floor or kitchen table. VHS tapes are carted to and from school and garner curious expressions from the grocery store clerk scanning the items from my buggy.

But when that child smiles… When he sees you – not around you, not that thing in your hand, but YOU… When he seeks you out and says, Ticka, ticka, anticipating your movements as you reach out to tickle him under the chin… When he sits quietly and ponders things, and you see that amazing mind working and processing and imagining more than the average person does in his whole life… I dare you not to be enchanted by him. He might have only two words in his vocabulary. He might still wear a diaper and fear haircuts and fingernail trimmers. He might have challenges other kids have long left behind. He might be quirky, more excited to see the ending credits in a movie than anything before them.

However, he’s also one of the most charming little lads you’ll ever meet.

And where there was once overwhelming fear, there’s now acceptance and prayer and hope for the future. There’s the knowledge that God has given us this child for a purpose and He has a plan that’s much greater than any I could have chosen for our family.

Now, tell me what you would do. How you can advocate for this child? How can you speak for him? Is it with words alone?

Awareness, acceptance, reaching out to see who might reach back… That’s exactly what I want for my child; yet, I want more.

Helping others to understand autism is just part of the solution. The rest is up to us to figure out. How can we do more? How can we be more than just words? So while we emphasize awareness this month, shining our blue lights and wearing our puzzle pieces, let us not forget that there’s a lot more to advocating than just spreading the word.

For more information about ASD, understand the signs of autism, or learn about how to advocate for those with autism, visit Autism Speaks.


JoBeth Wampler serves as First Vice President and Leadership Chairman of the GFWC Grundy Woman’s Club. She is also Secretary and Junior’s Special Project: Advocates for Children Chairman of the Southwestern District of the GFWC Virginia. She works as a reporter for the Virginia Mountaineer, Buchanan County’s only newspaper of record, and resides in the Davenport area of the county with her husband Scotty and two children.

Celebrate Federation Day 2017

It’s never too early to begin planning for Federation Day! Although clubwomen are Living the Volunteer Spirit year-round, celebrating Federation Day on April 24 is a perfect opportunity to share GFWC’s mission in your communities.

Every year on April 24, the over 3,000 clubs that make up GFWC remember the day in 1890 that made all of this possible. In 1890, 22 years after Jane Cunningham Croly was denied entrance to a lecture featuring Charles Dickens, 63 clubs gathered in New York City and officially formed GFWC. Without Jane Cunningham Croly, clubwomen wouldn’t have the opportunity to come together in sisterhood and service.

Do all members of your club know the benefits of belonging to GFWC? Federation Day offers the perfect opportunity to talk about some of the advantages of being connected to over 80,000 women across the country. From membership discounts to resources such as the GFWC Club Manual, belonging to GFWC is priceless. Celebrate this pride in belonging on Federation Day by taking one or all of the following actions.

Plan a visit to GFWC Headquarters
Washington, D.C. is a beautiful place to visit, and GFWC Headquarters at 1734 N Street NW makes a trip twice as special. We always welcome visitors to take a tour of Headquarters and to meet with GFWC leadership and staff. Please email if you’re interested in arranging a tour.

Share the GFWC Promotional Video
Launched last year, the GFWC Promotional Video is an easy way to spread awareness of GFWC. Share the video on your Facebook page, or show it at your next meeting. Click here to view the video.

Familiarize yourself with GFWC history
How much of GFWC’s 127-year-history are you familiar with? Learn about GFWC’s illustrious past achievements this Federation Day. Visit to read facts about GFWC from each decade of our history.

Invite your friends to like the GFWC Facebook page
The GFWC Facebook page is a great way to stay connected to your Federation sisters. The more followers we have, the stronger our reach! If you haven’t already, be sure to like the GFWC Facebook page. If you’re already a follower, we encourage you to share the page with your friends! Simply visit and click on “Invite friends to like this page” on the column in the right hand corner.

Subscribe to the GFWC Legislative Action Center
One of the many benefits of belonging to GFWC, the Legislative Action Center allows members to advocate for issues relating to GFWC’s resolutions. Members have used the LAC to track bills, contact their elected representatives, and take action on issues relevant to GFWC Resolutions. Subscribing is free! Click here to sign up for email alerts.

Change your Facebook Cover Photo
Showcase your Federation pride by changing your cover photo on Facebook! This photo shows your friends that you’re proud to be a GFWC clubwoman. Click here to download the photo.

Share GFWC Clubwoman Magazine with your club
A subscription to GFWC Clubwoman Magazine is one of the most valuable resources you can sign up for as a member. Show your fellow clubwomen this great membership tool by bringing a copy to your next club meeting, and encourage them to sign up for a subscription of their own! Click here to subscribe today.

Submit a Federation Day Proclamation
Encourage your local or state government to declare April 24 as GFWC Federation Day. For sample proclamations, please email

Sign up for News & Notes
GFWC’s weekly newsletter offers up-to-date information about GFWC. This free resource arrives every Thursday morning and will ensure you always know what’s going on with GFWC on a national level. Simply provide your name, mailing address, email, and club name to GFWC Membership Services Manager Kate Garlick at kgarlick@gfwc.organd you’re all set!

Why Women’s History Month Matters

By Kathy Canzano, GFWC Women’s History and Resource Center Chairman

When Jane Cunningham Croly, the founder of GFWC, was denied entrance to a lecture featuring Charles Dickens in 1868, she decided to take matters into her own hands and form Sorosis. This led to the founding of GFWC on April 24, 1890, and since that day, women have come a long way. Thanks to the efforts of Jane Cunningham Croly, women are not only participating in society—they’re running a great deal of it as well. During Women’s History Month, we remember the accomplishments women have made throughout history. Without their sacrifices, women would not have the freedom and equality they enjoy today. There is still much work to be done, but Women’s History Month provides us with the platform needed to honor those who came before us and bring attention to the incredible things women can do.

Why do we need a whole month dedicated to women’s history? For a long time, as recently as the 1970s, women’s history was not discussed in schools. As National Woman’s Party Executive Director Page Harrington shared during this year’s Annual Women’s History Month Event at GFWC Headquarters, many people still lack basic knowledge about topics such as the women’s suffrage movement and the Equal Rights Amendment. This makes Women’s History Month more relevant than ever. We need to share information about this part of our history so that we can truly appreciate the struggles our foresisters went through to ensure we could do things like vote, apply for a mortgage, and run our own companies.

The origins of Women’s History Month goes back to the first International Women’s Day held in 1911, and Women’s History Week was first celebrated by the school district of Sonoma, California in 1978. From there, a 1979 conference about women’s history led to participants deciding to follow the actions of the Sonoma school district and begin celebrations of Women’s History Week in their own communities. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter designated March 2 through 8 as National Women’s History Week. His address encouraged schools to focus on the accomplishments of women such as Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, and Alice Paul, and we can still learn a great deal from this address today:

“From the first settlers who came to our shores, from the first American Indian families who befriended them, men and women have worked together to build this nation. Too often the women were unsung and sometimes their contributions went unnoticed. But the achievements, leadership, courage, strength and love of the women who built America was as vital as that of the men whose names we know so well.
As Dr. Gerda Lerner has noted, “Women’s History is Women’s Right.” – It is an essential and indispensable heritage from which we can draw pride, comfort, courage, and long-range vision.”
I ask my fellow Americans to recognize this heritage with appropriate activities during National Women’s History Week, March 2-8, 1980.
I urge libraries, schools, and community organizations to focus their observances on the leaders who struggled for equality – – Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth, Lucy
Stone, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Harriet Tubman, and Alice Paul.
Understanding the true history of our country will help us to comprehend the need for full equality under the law for all our people.
This goal can be achieved by ratifying the 27th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which states that “Equality of Rights under the Law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.”

Fourteen states declared March as Women’s History Monty by 1986. In 1987, following years of joint Congressional resolutions proclaiming Women’s History Week and the urging of the National Women’s History Project, Congress declared March as Women’s History Month. Thirty years later, GFWC members continue to celebrate women’s accomplishments through the Women’s History and Resource Center. Our collections ensure that the story of women volunteers will continue to be told.

Mark this year’s Women’s History Month by educating yourself about the rich history of GFWC and the women’s suffrage movement. Visit to learn about GFWC’s history. Expand upon your knowledge of women’s history by visiting the website of the National Woman’s Party, which offers a variety of resources about the suffrage era and the equal rights amendment:

Think about the children in your life. Do they know who Alice Paul is? What about Elizabeth Cady Stanton? Make it your goal to share knowledge about these incredible women with the people in your life. Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society. In every one of these themes, I can see the works of the GFWC. It is important to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of women, especially the hardworking women of GFWC. How will we be remembered?

Celebrate Youth Art Month

By Kristina Higbee, GFWC Arts Community Service Program Chairman

Youth Art Month promotes art and art education in the United States. It is observed in March, with thousands of American schools participating, often with the involvement of local art museums and organizations such as GFWC.

The arts in various forms— music, theater, dance, and visual art—represent some of the most fundamental activities in the history of human civilization. Cave art, religious ceremonies, ritual dances, and making music have been with us since before recorded history. These activities provide people of all ages a chance to use the imagination and develop creative skills. Participation in the arts can also promote creative problem solving, a crucial skill for today’s complex and ever-changing world.

Steve Jobs once said “technology alone is not enough—it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the results that make our heart sing.”

Critical thinking skills crucial for higher-level analysis expected of students at the high school and college level can also be associated with participation in the arts. Putting together all the elements of a dance production, a music concert, or a play requires a similar process to solving the problems adults encounter in the workplace. This collaborative effort also promotes teamwork, a desired skill in today’s fast-paced careers.

Close your eyes for a moment. Now imagine a life without the arts. We would have no authors, so there would be no morning magazine or paper to read with our coffee. Music would not exist, so there would be no singing in the shower or in the car on the way to work.  There would be no hymns at church. Inspiration for architectural design would be purely based on function without attention to form. There would be no museums; no dance; and the field of theater would not exist. Our lives would be uniform without expression. I don’t know about you, but this is not a world that I would choose to live in.

Studies consistently show that students who study art are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement and three times more likely to be awarded for school attendance.  Yet each year arts are consistently cut from school budgets across the country.

If we acknowledge the value of experiences in the arts, what can we do to promote the arts in our schools? At the most basic level, we can support events already in place. If there is a band concert, drama performance, or art show at your local school, go there! Those who argue that the arts are not important in today’s world to today’s students and parents will often use lack of support as evidence. Show your community that people do, in fact, attend and appreciate these endeavors. Hold a fundraiser to purchase a large piece of equipment for your schools art, music, or drama department. A potter’s wheel, kiln, or microphones are a few items that come to mind. Sponsor Youth Art Month activities at your local schools.  For more ideas please refer to the GFWC Club Manual.

Don’t think about making art, just get it done.  Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it.  While they are deciding, make even more art.” —Andy Warhol


Ahead of the Changing Tides

By Stephanie Everett, Women’s History and Resource Center Intern

Romantically seeing nature as a refuge from everyday life and a window into a simpler time, GFWC clubwomen committed themselves to its preservation and wellbeing from the very beginning. Pressure from GFWC clubwomen over the years was instrumental in the creation of the U.S. Forest Service, the passage of the National Reclamation Act, and numerous other notable achievements in conservation history. Conservation solidified itself early on as one of our six main departments of work.

Mary Belle King Sherman, Chairman of the GFWC Conservation Department from 1914-1920, and GFWC International President from 1924-1928, was a pioneer in this matter. Sherman, with support from GFWC, helped create the National Park Service in 1916 and named six of our parks, affectionately earning her the nickname: “The National Park Lady.” In 1930, Conservation Chairman Mrs. H.C. Bogart negotiated an agreement with the U.S. Forest Service to establish a memorial forest in every state, and clubwomen around the nation contributed funds for the planting of seedling trees.

Amidst this good work, a troubling contradiction arose. Following Sherman’s vision of preserving the American wilderness and the American home, it seemed the same women fighting for collective action against pollution were some of the same women actively seeking newly manufactured products to ease everyday chores around the home. Clubwomen responded by increasing their efforts to expand into new areas of conservation. Several partnerships led to impressive recycling efforts and water resource research, as well as increased environmental education in schools to develop the next generation of conservationists.

Despite critics, such as those in Time magazine, referring to the traditional women’s clubs as “endangered species” themselves, GFWC sustained its conservation efforts through well-defined programs of work throughout the 1970s. With simple goals – to preserve, educate, and promote active involvement – they continued to push for awareness through the media and various environmental improvement projects on the local and national levels.

The foresight of past clubwomen laid the foundation for our strong commitment to service in the natural world. They recognized the importance of conservation even before the world could recognize endangered species, deadly smog, and rising ocean tides. Our women were ahead of their time, launching the ever-present task of preserving our nation’s homeland.

Mina and Delany: The Mina Edison Connection

By Lilly Hart

In February 1886, a year after the passing of his first wife, Thomas Edison married Mina Miller. Mina, who was raised in Akron, Ohio, came from a family that highly valued education, and instilled those values in Mina.

After they married, the couple moved to Fort Myers, Florida where Mina became an active community member. Because of the status of her husband, Mina never received the recognition she deserved for her persistent community work. However, she devoted her life to local, regional, and national activities. After a trip to New York to meet with the Chautauqua Women’s Club, Mina founded her own GFWC club in Fort Myers. The group grew quickly, and Mina invited a close friend from nearby LaBelle, Mrs. B.L. Dulaney, to attend the club meetings. Soon, Mrs. Dulaney had several cars full of women making the trip to attend the meetings. After several packed meetings, Mina approached Mrs. Dulaney and proposed that she start her own group in LaBelle. On February 3, 1930, LaBelle Community Woman’s Club (LCWC) became a reality.

LCWC hit the ground running and housed the first circulating library in 1931. The women planted trees along the major roads, set trash cans on street corners, and encouraged the city to pass ordinances to keep the town free from rubbish. During the Great Depression, the club continued to sponsor libraries, solve school problems, beautify communities, and assist in welfare work. Members devoted their efforts to war related projects during World War II and sewed for the Red Cross, participated in Bundles for Britain, helped with bond sales, and planted victory gardens.

Early special projects of the clubwomen also included forest conservation. The Royal State Park was presented to the United States government in a ceremony on December 6, 1947. At the ceremony, attended by President Harry S Truman, Florida clubwoman Mrs. W. S. Jennings was cited for her foresight in securing the lands, and GFWC Florida was cited for keeping the park open to the public. This park became the Florida Everglades National Park.

Over 119 years since its inception, the members of the GFWC Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs are still committed to identifying the needs of the local community and working to meet those needs through community service projects.

Lizzie Crozier French and the War of the Roses

By Nancy Carmon

It was a hot, humid August in Nashville, Tennessee as the forces gathered to meet at the special session called by the governor to address the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Supporters for women’s suffrage wore yellow roses and those opposed wore red American Beauty roses. These discussions and arguments continued night and day are referred to as the “War of the Roses”.

Preceding the special session of the Tennessee House of Representatives, clubwoman and suffragist Lizzie Crozier French traveled the hills and valleys of East Tennessee lobbying lawmakers to vote yes on the 19th Amendment.

Lizzie was born in 1851, formally educated at the Covenant of Visitation School in Washington, D.C. Widowed at 23, Lizzie devoted much of her life to women’s causes. In 1885, Lizzie visited the Sorosis Woman’s Club in New York City and returned to Knoxville inspired to organize a literary club that became GFWC Ossoli Circle.

In 1885 she established the Knoxville Female Institute, of which she would later become principal. Lizzie was also an eloquent public speaker and wrote a book called “A Manual of Elocution.” She founded the Women’s Educational and Industrial Union and was the first woman to address the Knoxville City Council, where she advocated for the appointment of a female police matron for women offenders. She assisted in the founding of the Knoxville branch of the League of American Pen Women, the PTA, the League of Women Voters, and the Unitarian Church. She was the first woman to speak before the Tennessee Bar Association and frankly said to them, “I wish I could say ‘Fellow citizens’, but since I am not accepted as a citizen by the government, I must say ‘Citizens and Fellow Servants.’”

Despite her long list of accomplishments, Lizzie primarily described herself as a suffragist and was active in the National Women’s Party. She influenced Harry Burn’s mother to write a letter to Harry, a young representative from Niota, Tennessee, to convince him to change his vote for the 19th amendment to YES. He was wearing a red rose that morning as the special session was called to order, but in his suit coat pocket he had that eight-page letter from his mother and a yellow rose.

Harry Burn cast the deciding vote for the 19th amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Supporters watching from the balcony threw their yellow roses into the air and over the railing onto the floor of the Tennessee House of Representatives.  The 19th Amendment was ratified. Tennessee was the “Perfect Thirty-Six” and Lizzie Crozier French had finally achieved her life-long dream for the women of the United States—they now had the right to vote.


Rebecca Douglas Lowe and the Georgia Federation

By President Cimi Douglass and Women’s History Chair Leigh Reynolds

Rebecca Douglas Lowe became involved in club life in November 1895 when the General Federation of Women’s Clubs met in Atlanta at the Southern States Cotton Exposition. She was elected as president of the Atlanta Woman’s Club when it formed on November 11, 1895. In 1896, Lowe invited 17 other women’s clubs to meet and form the Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs. She became GFWC Georgia President in1897.  At the 1898 GFWC Convention in Denver, Colorado, Lowe was elected GFWC International President.

Rebecca was clear that club life was not solely a social affair when she urged “every woman interested in the advancement of her sex to join the club from those in society to those who earn their living in Atlanta factories,” and stated that her mission was “to advance the education and general welfare of women along the broadest and most beneficial lines.”

Rebecca worked to organize women’s clubs all over Georgia while influencing and educating fellow clubwomen on the importance of women pursuing higher education. She was the first name on the petition to allow women in state universities in Georgia, she promoted free kindergarten, and she wanted to “take up the trouble of the working woman and see what we can do to lighten her labor and increase her pay.” Rebecca also wanted to “to study the school teacher’s problem and find out why she is not paid as much as the men who do exactly the same work.”

In 1895, Rebecca Douglas Lowe was already trailblazing a path for equality, education, and the welfare of women and children.  Although we’ve come a long way, she continues to inspire every woman within the Georgia Federation to bravely speak up for injustice and inequality and to always help those in need.

Kathy Conzano celebrates Mary Ellen Matisse

Let me tell you about Mary Ellen Matise, she is a historian, a researcher and educator and the winner of the Martha Washington Women of History Award. This award is given by Washington’s Headquarters State Historical Site, to a woman who has made a contribution to the history of the Hudson Valley, NY through education, promotion, or preservation. Martha Washington and her husband General George Washington resided in the Hudson Valley of New York during the last days of the Revolutionary War.

Mary Ellen is the Village of Walden Historian and involved in numerous organizations that specialize in promoting local historical research, historic preservation, and educational interest in the field of history. Mary Ellen is known in the area as a presenter of historical programs to other societies and is a frequent contributor of articles to the Wallkill Valley Times. She serves as President of her local GFWC Walden Women’s Club, is a founding member of the Coldenham Preservation and Historical Society, and a mentor for the Walden Elementary History Club.

What an honor for our club member for her extraordinary work with historic preservation. The award will be presented during Women’s History Month.

Participate in Read Across America Day 2017

By Chris Sienkielewski
GFWC Education Chairman

Whenever GFWC members come together, the conversation inevitably turns to books. It’s great to hear about books that have the power to bring you to a new world with great adventures where we can slip into someone else’s shoes. Just by sitting in a chair and reading a book, we can travel the world, meet amazing people, escape from prison, or even have lunch with the president.

GFWC members love reading and are dedicated to increasing literacy rates. Read Across America Day on March 2 is the perfect opportunity to share this passion for education and reading with the world while also promoting GFWC’s message of Living the Volunteer Spirit.

Founded in 1998, Read Across America takes place every year on March 2 to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss and to motivate children to read. Last year, clubs across the country dressed up as Dr. Seuss characters, served as guest readers at elementary schools, and donated books. Below are just a few of the many ways you can participate in Read Across America Day and spread literacy throughout March.

Share your love of reading with GFWC
Many of us have read books that changed our lives and gave us a new perspective of the world. We have all finished reading a book and wished we could discuss it with someone. Have you read a good book lately? To celebrate reading and Read Across America Day, we want to hear from you. In 100 words or less, tell us about a book you recently finished or one that has made an impact in your life. What made this book so special? What is your favorite line from the book, and why?

Send your responses and a photo with your favorite book to The photos and responses will be compiled into a board on the GFWC Pinterest page. Sharing what you loved about your favorite books will give clubwomen ideas about new books to read and will help spark a discussion about literature. This is a great way to invite others to talk with one another about a great book!

Spread Awareness of Read Across America
Read Across America, a project of the National Education Association, offers a variety of public relations tools that you can use on your social media pages. Download artwork including ads, web banners, posters, and more by visiting Read Across America also offers fact sheets that demonstrate the importance of reading aloud to children.

Plan an Education Community Service Program Project
The GFWC Club Manual offers dozens of project ideas related to the Education Community Service Program, including a library tour for children, book drives, and more. Click here to download the Education section of the Club Manual and consider adapting one of these projects for your club.

Learn about Epsilon Sigma Omicron
An honorary educational society open to all dues-paying members of GFWC, Epsilon Sigma Omicron (ESO) was founded over 60 years ago and provides clubwomen with a reading program designed for self-improvement and growth. Contact your State President to verify the charter of an ESO chapter in your state. You can view a list of reading materials and learn more by clicking here.

Give the Gift of Reading
If you have children or grandchildren, spend some time reading aloud to them. Donate books to your local library or elementary school. Reach out to schools in your community and see if they need reading tutors. Start a Little Free Library in your community. Give books as birthday presents. The possibilities for sharing books with others are endless!

This March, combine your love for reading and volunteering by participating in Read Across America. Whatever activity you decide to pursue, be sure to send photos to, and remember Dr. Seuss’s famous words: “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”