Florida Clubwomen Inspire Support of Special Olympics

A recent posting to the GFWC App by Anita Jenkins, President of the GFWC Coco Plum Woman’s Club (Florida), has drawn attention to the number of clubs and clubwomen supporting Special Olympics. Founded in the early 1960s by Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Special Olympics aims to provide people with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to discover strengths and develop new skills through sports. GFWC has a special history with the Special Olympics, as it was the Special Project of GFWC International President Juanita M. Bryant (1982-1984).

Globally, there are almost 200 million individuals living with intellectual disabilities. Intellectual disabilities are defined as limitations in cognitive functioning and difficulty with the skills necessary for day-to-day life such as being able to communicate effectively, interact with others, and take care of oneself. However, the staff and volunteers at Special Olympics “believe in a world where there are millions of different abilities but not disabilities”.

Special Olympics offers their athletes much more than the chance to participate in over 30 Olympic-style events. A wide range of services are provided including sports training, health screenings, and instruction in leadership techniques. These services help athletes meet challenges on and off the playing field with increased confidence.

Special Olympics volunteers act as coaches and trainers, officials, event organizers, fundraisers, and fans cheering in the stands. As President Jenkins says, “There is nothing more rewarding than watching an athlete cross the finish line, bowl a strike, or make a basket. If club members cannot be on the field as coaches, they should consider sitting in the grandstands and cheering on the athletes. It means so much to them.” There are hundreds of Special Olympics offices around the world, and all of them need assistance at various times during the year. Click here to find the Special Olympics Office nearest you.

Participate in the Game of Hearts

By Jeanne Waseleski, GFWC Membership Committee Member

Ever meet a potential GFWC member while shopping or at the airport? Be prepared with a brief elevator speech that encourages questions and sparks interest. While talking about the Federation be enthusiastic. Your personality is key to making potential members want to find out more. Everyone naturally gravitates towards positive people. Use business cards  and brochures to invite the community. Special events and fundraisers also are helpful tools to increase membership. Finally, remember to wear your GFWC branded pin or shirt. Building name recognition is a must!

Another way to meet potential members is through mutual interests. Do you belong to another service organization, book club, or gym? Start talking about GFWC club activities and presenters to spur curiosity about the fun and camaraderie to be found through GFWC. Given the myriad projects in which clubwomen engage, you are certainly privy to an activity sure to interest  almost anyone.

To attract new members, it helps to determine what group of women may be the best ‘fit’ for your club. Look for similarities. Do you want to attract a new demographic, such as recent college graduates or women with a specific skill set, or maybe those who are great at organizing or engaged in business? Do you meet during the day, and if so, will it be convenient for working women to attend meetings at lunchtime? If you meet in the evenings, are you able to give a lift to those members unable to drive at night? Are you able to connect with new residents in the area through retirement communities, senior centers, or schools?

In many cases, volunteer membership groups reflect a specific identity or character developed over the years. We gravitate toward familiarity, usually involving friends and colleagues who tend to have similar backgrounds and interests. This makes diversification
or inclusion of a broader group more difficult. Your challenge is to include potential leaders and programs which spark interest and pride in your club—and reflect the diversity and culture of your community.

Membership opportunities also include taking advantage of readily available information. In addition to the GFWC Club Manual, mine the resources of your State Membership Chairman. They are a wealth of information and are more than willing to assist. If you have questions, our Region Membership Chairmen will help you find the answers. Informative Membership Presentations and updates are provided at Region meetings. Take advantage of them!

Remember to recognize those members who have made our clubs special. Keeping our current friends is just as important as finding new ones. Participate in a Game of Hearts, and let us know how your club used these membership opportunities and how many new members have joined. Membership reports should be emailed to Membership Services Manager Kate Garlic at kgarlick@gfwc.org.

As Will Rogers once said, “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”

Utilizing Press Releases

By Lora Rios-McBride
Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills NJ Communications Chairman

The Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills (WCPTH) has a secret tool that gets us notable media attention—press releases! In 2016, through 59 press releases, our club’s name and activities appeared almost 200 times in print publications. Not only do we attract new members, but community support has been overwhelming!

WCPTH sends out at least one press release each month, but very often we have emailed three to five, or even more. The invitation to our general meeting is an ongoing press release. Along with a personalized email, our press releases are distributed to media in our area and beyond.  Important media contacts are developed through this frequent communication. Tailored emails to specific reporters or editors help ensure the press release is at least read and considered for publication.

For many events, we invite the press. But we realize that the press will have their own criteria for sending reporters and photographers. A press release about a speaker at a general meeting sometimes generates a newspaper’s request to cover with a photographer. Again, the effects of a press release can be surprising.

The media distribution list should be reviewed and expanded whenever possible. For the first time last year, we were able to publicize our annual golf fundraiser through NJ Monthly, a state-wide magazine. Don’t forget to include your state and national GFWC publications.

Community support for fundraisers is also accomplished through press releases. When writing about a fundraiser, the press release needs to include key information on why we are holding the fundraiser.  Our Annual Golf and Social Luncheon raises money for several educational programs, including scholarships for high school seniors. From March to July 2016, there were 11 press releases, which included an invitation to golf and information on our various educational programs. This continual flow of information helped increase not only attendance at the event but also allowed us to raise the most money to date.

An important topic for our press releases is information on the many charitable organizations we support. We have had women in the community crochet hats for the Click for Babies campaign after learning about Prevent Child Abuse-NJ. Women contributed money for our annual Adopt-A-Family gift drive after we publicized the Head Start program. And a woman filled six new backpacks with school supplies after reading about women and their children living in shelters for battered women. None of these generous women felt they had the time to commit to joining our club but appreciated the opportunity to support us in our endeavors.

In the opening paragraph, the press release should contain obvious information like date and meeting times, with an invitation for area women to attend. By following the same format each month, the public will find it easier to look for your club’s information. Click here to download a sample press release.

LEADS: Inspiring the Next Generation of GFWC Leaders

From the January+February edition of GFWC Clubwoman Magazine

Empowering. Educational. Exciting. These are three words that Kristina Higbee, a 2009 graduate of the GFWC Leadership Education and Development Seminar (LEADS), uses to describe her experience in the program.

Worthwhile and well-done, inspiring and fun—whatever words used to describe their experiences, LEADS graduates have demonstrated through their ongoing service as leaders that the program is invaluable.

Although LEADS is just a one-day event, the lessons taught at this seminar last forever. From conflict management to public speaking, the specific subject matter of LEADS changes based on feedback from participants, but the seminar teaches skills to ensure graduates have the tools necessary to be successful GFWC leaders.

Cherie Lee Williams is one of the graduates from the 2016 LEADS class. Before arriving in Baltimore, she had never attended a GFWC Annual Convention, and was a bit nervous. But when she returned home to Las Vegas the next week, she had made dozens of new connections in her LEADS class.

“It’s made me realize that I have sisters all over the world. I never had any sisters, and now I have thousands,” she said. “I understand that GFWC gives us a link in our community and other communities. It helps us understand and get our voices out there to improve what we’re doing in our local neighborhoods as well.”

Kristina, who currently serves as chairman of the GFWC Arts Community Service Program, says that LEADS is a must for anyone with aspirations of moving up in the leadership of GFWC.

“When I attended LEADS, I was fairly new in the organization and it was so inspiring to learn about our rich history. It helped to bring everything into focus and understand what we stand for and how all our communities are connected. I am honored to call myself a LEADS graduate,” she said.

Before attending LEADS, Sara Ruppel from GFWC Pennsylvania didn’t realize the extent of GFWC beyond her own state.

“I didn’t know anything about GFWC’s involvement in legislation before I attended LEADS,” she said. “I now have a whole new appreciation for the Bylaws and Resolutions section of Convention.”

Although LEADS is focused on helping clubwomen rise as leaders in GFWC, the skills gained from this seminar can also be applied in all areas of life.

“It’s a way to help your club, but it’s also a way to help yourself,” said Michele Hartlove, a 2013 LEADS graduate from the GFWC District of Columbia Woman’s Club. “What you learn can be used to help better your club, but also to better yourself.”

The seminar also gives participants a chance to form friendships and connect, which is especially important for those who may have never attended a GFWC Annual Convention. Emily White, a 2011 LEADS graduate from South Dakota, is still friends with everyone who sat at her table during the seminar.

“It’s great that everybody goes through LEADS as a group in the same room,” she said. “I think the bonding that is offered at LEADS is part of the goal.”

2013 LEADS Graduate Karyn Charvat says the experience gave her more confidence, and she realized there are many ways to serve GFWC as a leader.

“What I took away from my LEADS experience is that the networks we form in this organization are invaluable and continue to be strong years after that one day,” she said.

There are dozens of other clubwomen who have taken initiative by attending LEADS and then going on to serve as national GFWC leaders. Will you be one of them? Visit https://www.gfwc.org/membership/leads-ilts/ to learn more.


Woman’s Club of Chevy Chase Recruits 54 New Members

Is your club in need of new members, but trying to figure out the best strategy for attracting prospective clubwomen? The Woman’s Club of Chevy Chase (Maryland) has found great success in member recruitment by establishing an Evening Section. Since January 2016, the club has recruited 54 new members—bringing their total membership to 233 active members.

“The biggest reason we’ve had so many new members is the addition of our evening section,” said Phyllis Kokus, the club’s membership chair.

This section meets on Tuesday nights, allowing women who work during the day to become members of the club. In addition to the new meeting time, Club President Marilyn Sherman’s emphasis on community service has attracted members to the club.

Dynamic guest speakers, including authors such as Kate Anderson Bauer, as well as the club’s monthly programs, have led to an influx of new members. Phyllis also attributes the club’s beautiful clubhouse as a factor, as many women are curious about the organization after driving by the house.

For any clubs looking to replicate this success story in their own communities, Phyllis says it’s important to be welcoming and inclusive, and to “invite, invite, invite, and always follow-up.” Members are encouraged to invite friends to join the club, which has proven to be a successful strategy for the Woman’s Club of Chevy Chase.

Congratulations to the Woman’s Club of Chevy Chase for recruiting so many new members. Learn more about GFWC’s “It’s the Real Deal” Recruitment Campaign by visiting http://bit.ly/2f8VbkD.



Royal Palm State Park Re-Dedication

By GFWC Florida President Mary Powell

From an address delivered November 17, 2016

As President of the GFWC Florida Federation of Women’s I would like to thank Lynda Randolph, District 11 Director and the clubs in this District that have participated in making this event happen – specifically The Woman’s Club of Coconut Grove, GFWC Woman’s Club of Homestead, the GFWC Miami Springs Woman’s Club, GFWC El Portal Woman’s Club and the Dade County Federation of Women’s Clubs which encompasses all of the clubs in this area. I’m sure that it has taken countless hours and lots of members to make this event such a success – I am very impressed.

When Lynda Randolph first mentioned this project to me and invited me to be part of it, I was so excited and thrilled to receive so much information about Royal Palm Park and the Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs involvement in its beginnings.

In an effort to get a feel for the year 1915-1916, I went back and re-read a book by Patrick D. Smith called “A Land Remembered.” This book is about 3 generations of MacIvey’s and their challenge to survive, to prosper and to thrive in Florida beginning in 1863 until 1968.

On the first page of the book, which begins in 1968 and then jumps back to 1863, it mentions coming to a park bordered by stately Royal Palm trees.

That’s what we are doing today – Remembering this Land and our stately park bordered by Royal Palms and our beautiful State of Florida.

“A Land Remembered” begins in North Florida around Fernandina – and that happens to be where I’m from – Fernandina.  Near that area is also where GFWC Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs began in 1895.  Visionary leaders at the Village Improvement Association of Green Coves Springs called together members from the VIA Orange City Woman’s Club, the Crescent City Woman’s Club, Tarpon Springs Woman’s Club and Fairfield of Jacksonville Woman’s Club to form a Federation of Florida Clubs and to officially become  a part of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs.

Can you imagine traveling across the state from Tarpon Springs to Green Cove Springs or from Orange City.  Many traveled by train and riverboat – VIA of Green Cove Springs is on the St. Johns River just south of Jacksonville.

That’s when our Federation began in Florida and like so many other states, women took up causes and gathered together to form clubs and organize in an effort to have a collective voice for change in their communities.

When we celebrate club anniversaries, I’ve often read that many of our clubs began in an effort to beautify communities and to have some influence over getting the cows and the pigs off the streets.  One club was clever enough to capture the wild pigs that roamed their streets and then sell them back to their owners, often to the husbands of the members – what a great idea for a fundraiser.

Clubwomen of GFWC first began expressing interest in conservation as early as 1896 and advocacy for green spaces rapidly became a central concern.  By 1902 GFWC had created the Forestry Committee, the precursor to today’s Conservation Committee.  Clubwomen across the country became active participants in the fight for national parks.

In 1905-1909 the Governor of Florida, Napolean Bonapart Broward, was all for draining “The Swamp” so that development could continue into this area. Edith Gifford and Mary Barr Munroe had a different idea.  If we destroyed it all, what would be left of the beauty that is this park and South Florida for those who come after us.

In 1906 Edith Gifford introduced a Resolution at the General Federation of Women’s Clubs National Convention to form a Conservation Department, and Mary Belle King Sherman from the Colorado Federation became Chair of that department in 1914, where she advocated for the establishment of the National Park Service.  As President of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs from 1922-1926, she was Nicknamed “The National Park Lady,” and was instrumental in helping to establish six national parks.  Specifically she became a force in lobbying for the creation of Rocky Mountain National Park in 1915, and was involved in the campaign for the Grand Canyon National Park in 1919.  As Conservation Chairman, Sherman threw the full support of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs behind the creation of the National Park Service, which became a reality on August 25, 1916.

In particular we appreciated her involvement with the dedication of Royal Palm Park in 1916 when she said in part:

“It is to the great credit of the Florida women that they had the vision, in these days of commercialism, to save one of their most beautiful natural scenic places for park purposes.  Natural scenery becomes our greatest asset when we use it for recreation – for giving rest and encouragement to the weary and toil worn of this generation and for the development of the boys and girls of today into good citizens of tomorrow.

“I know of no other state which is doing such good work in conservation along so many lines as the Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs, and in addition you have the distinction of being the only state federation to have secured a state park.

“People build monuments of costly structure to perpetuate the memory of themselves to somebody else, but none of these is as worthy of praise as the setting aside of one of the God given beauty spots for the enjoyment of the men, women and children of the land.

“Florida is rich in its natural resources, and doubly rich in having men and women who appreciate the beauty of the state and recognize the need of saving it.”  End quote.

Procurement of Royal Palm Park would not have been accomplished without the lobbying work done by the 1914-1917 Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs President, May Mann Jennings.  It was a unique time for Florida Federation because of the history May Mann Jennings had with the Florida Legislature, having served as Florida’s First Lady during the 1901-1905 Governorship of her husband, William S. Jennings, and serving as hostess for her father, Austin Mann, while he served in the late 1800’s in the Florida Legislature.

It was interesting that during that time while living in Tallahassee she married William S. Jennings on May 12, 1891, and was escorted down the aisle by the full legislative membership – she definitely had some influence over them.

With this background and her boundless energy she was more than qualified to lead the fight to stop exploitation and to save Royal Palm Hammock.

The last day of the Legislative Session for 1915 was about to occur and they would not meet again for two years.  But on June 2nd, the house passed the Royal Palm Park Bill and on June 5, 1915, Governor “Park” Trammell approved and signed into law the first and only State Park created by a Legislative Act.  By this law, the Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs became the only Federation in the United States to own a State Park.  Soon after the law was passed Mary Lily Kenan Flagler donates 960 acres as an endowment thus increasing the park to 1,920 acres.

By 1921, 2080 more acres are donated by the state, making Royal Palm a 4,000 acre state park.

And the rest of this story of “A Land Remembered” is that the Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs took charge of the park, hired a ranger, built a lodge, cut roads and maintained the park in perpetuity until it was deeded to the National Park Service and became part of the Everglades National Park in 1947.

The women of the Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs met the challenge, they accomplished their goals, they rose above the idea of failure, they did it!

May Mann Jennings said in her dedication of the Park in 1916 and as President of the GFWC Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs, I too state: “With the power in me vested as President of the Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs, I hereby re-dedicate this Royal Palm Park to the people of Florida and their children forever.” Thank you.


GFWC Year-End Gifting

The season of giving is upon us. What might your GFWC gift be?

When we think of the word gift, immediately our thoughts jump to birthday, wedding, anniversary, and other holidays, but there is a broader, more substantive kind of gift that we can give.

Customarily, we approach gift selection with the recipient in mind, such as their likes, personal collections, decorative, useful, entertaining, commemorative, etc.

However, there is another gift consideration that we all too often overlook, which can be everlasting.

Philanthropic gift giving can be just that. The word philanthropy, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is an act or gift done or made for humanitarian purposes. Our GFWC Campaign for the Future is a philanthropic “gift” to GFWC volunteerism – past, present, and future. While GFWC is indeed the recipient, more importantly, consider the far-reaching impact it has on society through our untold projects and programs that impact each and every member club community through volunteer service.

Your opportunity to contribute to the future is by giving in the present and the GFWC Campaign for the Future is the vehicle.  Our Campaign for the Future is a meaningful way in which to give back to the “house” that built us. This is a gift, unlike any other, which has been “gifted” from our early founders. Your contribution to this eight-year Campaign will serve as your legacy to those generations of GFWC members that will subsequently follow, the intent being to perpetuate support for GFWC Headquarters and future programming of GFWC.

The best part is that this “gift” can be given by an individual, club, district, state, region, GFWC national club, or any combination thereof. It can be a one-time payment, pledge (payable in installments), or naming opportunity of specifically identified items at GFWC Headquarters.

Other more substantial ways in which to contribute are via stock from privately held corporations, gifts of appreciated property, such as publicly traded securities or real property, or a bargain sale, which allows the seller to convert an asset to cash-gifting proceeds.

Long-term planned gifts can be in the form of bequests, charitable gift annuities, life insurance, a percentage of an IRA, 401(k) or other qualified retirement plan.

The best part is it can be gifted from home! It requires no gift wrap, fancy bow, or gift tag…..merely a check or pledge card, envelope, and postage stamp! And YES, it is tax-deductible as GFWC is a 501C(3) charitable organization.

There are a host of other ways in which your annual gift giving can support GFWC endeavors, such as the 1734 Society, Endowment Fund, Friends of WHRC (Women’s History & Resource Center), GFWC Signature Program Fund (Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention), and Disaster and Relief Funds.

“Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.” – Albert Camus

Tis the Season of giving…..your generous contribution to The Campaign for the Future will ensure your footprint on our GFWC Pathway to Success!

Support Prematurity Awareness Month

By Deb Allen, GFWC Juniors’ Special Program: Advocates for Children Chairman

Let’s turn the world purple and reach out to families touched by premature births while celebrating the lives of children everywhere.  November 17 is World Prematurity Day, but you can mark Prematurity Awareness Month throughout the rest of November.

March of Dimes provides GFWC clubwomen with many ideas and opportunities to support families whose lives have been touched by birth defects and premature births.

Know the Facts: 

  • According to marchofdimes.org, a premature baby is one born too early, before 37 weeks.
  • Birth spacing of less than 18 months is a risk factor for preterm birth.
  • In 2010, Somalia, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and Cuba had better estimated national rates of preterm births than the United States (Ranked 54th).
  • In 2015, the U.S. preterm birth rate increased in the U.S. for the first time in eight years. The United States currently has a preterm birth rate of 9.6. March of Dimes has set its goal to reach 8.1 percent by the year 2020 and 5.5 percent by 2030. (Check your state’s report card: http://www.marchofdimes.org/mission/prematurity-reportcard.aspx)
  • In 2015, March of Dimes announced the establishment of its 5th Prematurity Research Center. One center is developing a pacemaker to control contractions of the uterus.

What can you do?

  • Paint your town purple: Light your clubhouse, place of business, or home purple to bring attention to Prematurity Awareness Month. Wear purple to show your support for families whose babies are in the fight of their life.
  • Send words of encouragement: Go to http://www.marchofdimes.org/give-them-tomorrow.aspx to send your message of hope. March of Dimes will deliver your card to a family whose baby is in a Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) letting them know they are not in this fight alone.
  • Become a March of Dimes Advocate: Visit http://actioncenter.marchofdimes.org to sign up to become a March of Dimes Advocate, similar to our GFWC Legislative Action Center. March of Dimes is currently asking for help to encourage states to increase funding for smoking prevention programs.
  • Spread the word through Social Media: Go to http://twibbon.com/Support/world-prematurity-day-9 to change your Facebook or Twitter profile picture to show your support for March of Dimes.
  • Celebrate the babies in your life: Post your baby’s first moments using the hashtags #babysfirst and #givethemtomorrow to celebrate milestones and give hope to others. Feel free to include a picture even if your baby is grown! Show off those firsts no matter how long ago they happened.
  • Dust off your walking shoes: Start planning your events and forming your teams for the upcoming March for Babies. Visit marchforbabies.org for information and tools. Be sure to let others know that you are raising funds to help babies by including your March of Dimes fundraising badge in your email signature, website, or blog.

Take pictures of your members promoting Prematurity Awareness Month. Share those with Deb Allen, Juniors’ Special Program:  Advocates for Children Chairman by emailing debgfwc@charter.net.

We’d love to share your purple with March of Dimes and their families!

GFWC Membership: Bridging the Gap In Your Communities

By Vicki Weber
GFWC Membership Committee Member

How many times have you heard or said that GFWC is the best kept secret out there? It’s time to let the secret out. What are you doing as a club or as a clubwoman to spread the word? To attract new members, most clubs use various marketing strategies such as social media, web pages, newspapers, and the like to publicize who we are and what we do as members of GFWC. Have you thought about putting together a Community Impact Statement for your club to retain and gain membership? This statement is a valuable marketing tool that shows current and prospective members your club’s impact in
your community. You can incorporate your Community Impact Statement into your social media, web pages and other means you use to spread the word about GFWC. Or use it as a one-sheet, stand-alone piece.

Let your community know about the projects you do and the charities you support. What should you include in your Community Impact Statement? It should contain specific information about your club’s work and should be updated yearly, or as needed, to reflect the most current information about your projects, donations, and volunteer hours.

Let your community know about the projects you do and the charities you support. Share whatever activities your club is spearheading in your community. Some examples: How many pounds of food did you distribute at your local food bank? How many books have you read to classes; how many trees have you planted? Don’t be afraid to share your good work, and be specific!

Include your volunteer hours. Tracking and sharing your hours, via paper or through free online resources such as www.signup.com, can really put your club’s community activities into perspective. The estimated value of volunteer time for 2015 is $23.56 per hour! Collecting and calculating your volunteer hours really quantifies the enormous value volunteers provide to their communities.

Donations and partnerships are vital to helping us provide additional support in our towns and cities. Don’t be afraid to let your community know where your and their dollars go. Promote the organizations with which we partner, both through GFWC and your local groups.

Be sure to share your story or the story of someone who has been impacted by your club’s good work in your Community
Impact Statement. A brief interview, quote, or statement can be very relatable to others.

If you search for examples of Community Impact Statements online, you will find many charities, businesses and even
municipalities have one. Tailoring yours to fit what you want your community to know about your club and GFWC can go a long way to bridge that gap and bring awareness to what it is that we as volunteers and members of GFWC do. Let’s give them something to talk about, ladies!

The Importance of Your Clothing Donations

Children without quality shoes, women without professional attire for job interviews, homeless veterans without sufficient clothing to survive the winter—they have all been aided by the work of GFWC clubwomen through both national and local charities.

Among the national organizations contributed to by clubwomen are Goodwill Industries, Salvation Army, and Dress for Success. A not-for-profit organization supported by Mesquite Club (Nevada), Dress for Success empowers women to achieve financial independence by providing a network of support, appropriate attire, and development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. The organization operates in over 140 U.S. cities and has helped more than 900,000 women achieve self-sufficiency.

GFWC/IFC Progress Club of South Bend (Indiana) is one of the many clubs supporting Goodwill Industries. Goodwill provides job training, employment placement services, and other community-based programs for people who have barriers preventing them from otherwise entering the work force. Through profits earned at their thrift stores, Goodwill provides more than six million people around the globe with job training and community services each year.

Another option for clothing donations is to keep it local. GFWC Women’s Club of Hollister (California) assists the Small Steps San Benito County program each year. The program provides children in need with warm jackets and new shoes. Club members contribute financially and act as chaperones during shopping trips when children select their new clothing. GFWC Crystal River Woman’s Club (Florida) contributes coats to Cayla’s Coat Project, a charity begun in memory of a Cayla Barnes who lost her life in a drowning accident. GFWC Federation Guild (Delaware) is celebrating their third year of donations to Clothing Women in Transition, which aids women and children moving out of shelters.

Thank you to all of the clubs listed and the numerous others improving communities through clothing drives and donations.