Join the General Federation of Women’s Clubs!
Becoming a GFWC member means joining a local GFWC club, where more than 60,000 members are actively engaged in volunteer community service in approximately 2,600 existing clubs across the globe.
GFWC members, from ages 14 to 102, live in cities, suburbs, and rural communities around the globe. They are professional women, students, stay-at-home moms, and retirees, united by a shared commitment to volunteer community service. Members of GFWC clubs are encouraged to focus their efforts on Community Service Programs and Special Programs in Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention and Advocates for Children that meet local needs, and take advantage of our national network of organizations and programs that have provided a framework for over 100 years of accomplishment. Learn more about the benefits of belonging to GFWC.
Looking for a GFWC Club near you?
Visit our Directory of Clubs to find your closest local club.

I love GFWC because of the opportunities, the friendships, and the impact you make on the lives of others…this organization is my work/life balance. I couldn’t imagine being without it.
—Christa Nuckols
Clubs Categories
Our member clubs belong to one of GFWC’s different club membership categories. Club membership categories are outlined and governed by GFWC’s Constitution and Bylaws, which can be found in the Member Portal Digital Library.
Woman’s Clubs, sometimes referred to as general clubs, are clubs that are not otherwise designated as Juniorette, Junior, International, or National clubs. This group constitutes the largest portion of active membership.
Junior Woman’s Clubs, also known as Junior clubs with members called Juniors, hold active membership status and participate in GFWC Community Service Programs. Junior Woman’s Clubs vary in age ranges, and not all states have Junior Woman’s Clubs membership categories. Some State Federations place an age cap on Junior membership. Other State Federations support Junior membership at any age. On the national level, GFWC Junior Woman’s Clubs are represented by a GFWC Director of Junior Clubs, a nationally elected officer who serves as a member of the GFWC Executive Committee and who presides over all Junior functions at GFWC meetings.
Juniorette Clubs, whose members might be called Juniorettes, are composed of young women in junior or senior high school with an age range from 14 to 18 years. Juniorettes may have voting privileges at the GFWC Annual Convention, are eligible for awards, and have reporting responsibilities, just like Woman’s Clubs and Junior Woman’s Clubs.
Juniorette clubs are sponsored by a Woman’s Club, Junior Woman’s Club, or their districts or State Federations. It is recommended that a Juniorette club not be organized unless there is a regular GFWC advisor from a Woman’s Club or Junior Woman’s Club assigned to it. For further guidelines on organizing a GFWC Juniorette club, please refer to the GFWC Club Manual.
National clubs are clubs that have a nationwide membership composed of State Presidents or State Directors of Junior Clubs from one administration.
International Affiliates are federations and associations organized and based outside the United States, whose work is germane to GFWC programs. International Affiliates hold associate membership status.

Annual GFWC dues are $15.
GFWC clubs, districts, and State Federations may assess additional dues beyond the $15 per capita GFWC dues. Individual members pay dues to their clubs. Clubs then pay dues to their State Federations, who then submit $15 per capita dues to GFWC.

Member Services
GFWC staff strives to provide excellent service to all GFWC members and potential members, providing the most accurate information in a timely manner, We work with members and leaders at all levels to make connections and provide support for the national and community-based projects members are doing across the country and around the globe. Please do not hesitate to contact Membership or any other member of the GFWC Staff for assistance.

Start a New Club
If you do not find an existing club near you, start a new club in your community by either reaching out to your GFWC State Federation or contact GFWC Headquarters.
GFWC members vary in age, talents, location, background, and profession, but are united in their dedication to actively improve the lives of others.
members in affiliated clubs in every state
existing volunteer clubs across the globe
founded in 1890, GFWC has over a century of history