Celebrate Federation Day 2017
It’s never too early to begin planning for Federation Day! Although clubwomen are Living the Volunteer Spirit year-round, celebrating Federation Day on April 24 is a perfect opportunity to share GFWC’s mission in your communities.
Every year on April 24, the over 3,000 clubs that make up GFWC remember the day in 1890 that made all of this possible. In 1890, 22 years after Jane Cunningham Croly was denied entrance to a lecture featuring Charles Dickens, 63 clubs gathered in New York City and officially formed GFWC. Without Jane Cunningham Croly, clubwomen wouldn’t have the opportunity to come together in sisterhood and service.
Do all members of your club know the benefits of belonging to GFWC? Federation Day offers the perfect opportunity to talk about some of the advantages of being connected to over 80,000 women across the country. From membership discounts to resources such as the GFWC Club Manual, belonging to GFWC is priceless. Celebrate this pride in belonging on Federation Day by taking one or all of the following actions.
Plan a visit to GFWC Headquarters
Washington, D.C. is a beautiful place to visit, and GFWC Headquarters at 1734 N Street NW makes a trip twice as special. We always welcome visitors to take a tour of Headquarters and to meet with GFWC leadership and staff. Please email gfwc@gfwc.org if you’re interested in arranging a tour.
Share the GFWC Promotional Video
Launched last year, the GFWC Promotional Video is an easy way to spread awareness of GFWC. Share the video on your Facebook page, or show it at your next meeting. Click here to view the video.
Familiarize yourself with GFWC history
How much of GFWC’s 127-year-history are you familiar with? Learn about GFWC’s illustrious past achievements this Federation Day. Visit https://www.gfwc.org/what-we-do/impact-accomplishments/ to read facts about GFWC from each decade of our history.
Invite your friends to like the GFWC Facebook page
The GFWC Facebook page is a great way to stay connected to your Federation sisters. The more followers we have, the stronger our reach! If you haven’t already, be sure to like the GFWC Facebook page. If you’re already a follower, we encourage you to share the page with your friends! Simply visit https://www.facebook.com/GFWCMembers/ and click on “Invite friends to like this page” on the column in the right hand corner.
Subscribe to the GFWC Legislative Action Center
One of the many benefits of belonging to GFWC, the Legislative Action Center allows members to advocate for issues relating to GFWC’s resolutions. Members have used the LAC to track bills, contact their elected representatives, and take action on issues relevant to GFWC Resolutions. Subscribing is free! Click here to sign up for email alerts.
Change your Facebook Cover Photo
Showcase your Federation pride by changing your cover photo on Facebook! This photo shows your friends that you’re proud to be a GFWC clubwoman. Click here to download the photo.
Share GFWC Clubwoman Magazine with your club
A subscription to GFWC Clubwoman Magazine is one of the most valuable resources you can sign up for as a member. Show your fellow clubwomen this great membership tool by bringing a copy to your next club meeting, and encourage them to sign up for a subscription of their own! Click here to subscribe today.
Submit a Federation Day Proclamation
Encourage your local or state government to declare April 24 as GFWC Federation Day. For sample proclamations, please email programs@gfwc.org.
Sign up for News & Notes
GFWC’s weekly newsletter offers up-to-date information about GFWC. This free resource arrives every Thursday morning and will ensure you always know what’s going on with GFWC on a national level. Simply provide your name, mailing address, email, and club name to GFWC Membership Services Manager Kate Garlick at kgarlick@gfwc.organd you’re all set!