GFWC: A Loud Voice in the Fight Against Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence is something that many people don’t want to talk about. Instead of addressing this devastating issue, some would rather stay away from such a heavy topic and claim it doesn’t happen in their community. But the truth is, domestic violence can happen anywhere and to anyone, regardless of age, financial status, race, religion, or education. According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, more than one in three women has experienced rape, physical violence, or stalking by a partner, and three women are killed by a current or former partner every day in the United States.

We need to talk about domestic violence, not only in October, but every day of the year. We owe it to survivors of domestic violence whose stories need to be told. We owe it to the women who are currently experiencing physical, emotional, sexual, or financial abuse. And we owe it to those victims of domestic violence who were tragically killed by an intimate partner.

GFWC is not afraid to be a loud voice in the fight to end domestic violence. We’ve made that clear by making Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention our Signature Program, giving clubs across the country the resources they need to create change. Whether sending notes of encouragement and care packages to women at local domestic violence shelters, writing letters to the editor, or planting purple flowers around town, members are committed to spreading awareness and ending violence against women.

On both a local and national level, GFWC supports victims of domestic violence. The GFWC Success for Survivors Scholarship provides funds for women who have experienced abuse, allowing them to attend college and continue their journey of recovery. Through the GFWC Legislative Action Center, members advocate for laws that protect victims of domestic violence.

Sadly, domestic violence will continue if we don’t speak up. That’s why we refuse to back down and will show the world that we as GFWC members are united in the fight to end domestic violence. Use Domestic Violence Awareness Month as a platform to begin talking about this issue in your community. Encourage members to wear purple, whether to your next meeting, around town, or on Purple Thursday, which takes place on Thursday, October 20.

Become familiar with the Signature Program section of the GFWC Club Manual, which is filled with important statistics about domestic violence, as well as project ideas. You can download it by clicking here. The National Network to End Domestic Violence also offers valuable information about domestic violence, including frequently asked questions, factsheets, and the impact on the economy as a result of domestic violence.

By supporting GFWC’s Signature Program and organizations in your community, you are making it possible for survivors to return to school, for victims to receive help through domestic violence hotlines, and for shelters to provide a safe refuge for women with nowhere else to go. The Signature Program Committee is extremely proud of the efforts of our members as we come together to end domestic violence. We know GFWC will continue to make strides in this fight throughout the 2016-2018 Administration.

Send photos of your activities during Domestic Violence Awareness Month and your club wearing purple to and we’ll share them on the GFWC Pinterest page.

GFWC Texas Reaches Out to Louisiana Flood Victims

Storms bringing more than 7 trillion gallons of water, 145,000 homes flooded and destroyed, tens of thousands left homeless or rescued from rooftops and trees, 20 parishes destroyed, not to mention 13 deaths. Louisianans will not forget 2016 any time soon.

While the economic impact to Louisiana was still being evaluated, Federation Sisters from across the nation began organizing relief efforts. One of the many who immediately headed to Louisiana was Helen Lamberth, from Liberty Woman’s Club GFWC Texas. “Texas began a fundraising effort to help our sister state, but that was just beginning. I had personal knowledge of what these families would be dealing with and I knew I could help.”

Helen contacted Louisiana State President, Cathie Ryan and learned that Tish Sedlin, a long-time Lagniappe Woman’s Club member had a very short window of time to remove debris from her home before it was destroyed with only her two children to help. Helen immediately left for Baton Rouge with a truck load of supplies. The next day, Diane Gretencord and Linda Lang of the Woman’s Civic Club of Jasper followed with another load of cleaning supplies and linens. Helen, Diane, Linda and additional volunteers located by President Ryan salvaged what they could, and shoveled the rest of the Sedlin’s belongings to the curb. Family, friends, and strangers were knee deep in mud and debris for days.

It will be years before the people of Louisiana recover. GFWC Texas will present monetary contributions and donations to GFWC Louisiana at the South Central Region Conference in Lafayette, Louisiana in mid-October.

Help tell the GFWC Story! A Call for Oral Histories

In the early 1990s, the Women’s History Resource Center (WHRC) launched a nationwide effort to verbally collect the histories of our illustrious clubwomen. The project resulted in an impressive collection of over 200 oral histories, ranging from International Past Presidents and region presidents to members of local committees and average clubwomen. These tapes and transcripts are an invaluable resource to clubwomen and researchers alike who are looking to garner a more personal account of over 100 years of GFWC’s history.

While this effort was an admirable start, the project is still underway. The WHRC would like to continue to expand this collection of personal histories.  However, we can’t do it without your help! If you would like to share your GFWC experiences, please contact WHRC Manager Alyssa Constad at to set up a date and time. Histories can be given over the phone, so location is not an issue. Our history is important and we need you to help tell our story!

What’s Your GFWC Pitch?

By Laura Bergman
GFWC Communications and Public Relations Committee Member

You may already know that elevator or sales pitches are important tools that help facilitate a quick conversation about a subject. Pitches are generally 20-30 seconds long and are designed to capture the immediate interest of your audience.
Practicing your pitch will ensure you are prepared to respond to the next person who asks you “What is GFWC?”

Let’s be honest—many of us may freeze up or fumble as we search for the words to explain all the awesome work we do as an organization. Here are some key points to help you establish a winning statement to engage potential members or supporters.

GFWC motivates us all in different ways, so think about what makes you excited to be a member. There are several aspects to choose from, including service projects, fundraising, community involvement, or social interaction. If you believe strongly in what you are conveying and are sincere, it will make your pitch more effective.

We don’t always have a lot of time to talk about GFWC. Often, we are asked while in an elevator, working on a service project, or standing in the hotel lobby at Convention. When you only have a brief moment to raise awareness, your message needs to be concise and quick!

This will give you an opening to either continue the conversation or get the potential member’s contact information. A great example is to ask, “If you could improve one thing in your community, what would it be?” Making the question personal will hopefully encourage a meaningful conversation.

This is perhaps the most important factor of all, because when someone asks you “What is GFWC?” and you fumble and freeze, the opportunity to recruit a new member or supporter may be lost. Use your family or a mirror, or give your speech to your casserole in the oven—whatever works for you. Practicing will ensure that the next time you get to talk about GFWC, you’ll be prepared to rise to the occasion!

There are countless articles on the internet with many more tips and tricks on building a great pitch, so please use any resources you have available. Keep in mind that you won’t always have time to give a 20-30 second pitch, so be sure to
always have a GFWC business card ready to hand out.

Learn about GFWC Cyber Clubs

GFWC Cyber Clubs are designed for women who want to make new friends while making a difference in their communities through volunteer service, but for whatever reason, cannot attend regular club meetings in person. To learn more about how Cyber Clubs function and the advantages of belonging we asked Sara Castelli, webmaster for GFWC Fabulous Florida Flamingo Flock cyber club to answer a few questions.

GFWC: How does your cyber club differ from a traditional club?

Sara Castelli: We differ in that we do not “meet” regularly. Instead of traditional meetings we send email blasts, post photos and project ideas to a Facebook page, and provide project updates on a webpage. The webpage also tells potential members how to join, and allows existing members to find out how they can contribute to various projects.

GFWC: Why do your members prefer a cyber club?

Sara Castelli: We currently have 81 members and they have selected to join a cyber club for a variety of reasons. Many members live in areas without a traditional club, others simply cannot get to meetings, and some like the concept of the “cyber” connection. While we do not hold typical clubhouse meetings, we do encourage lunches or get-togethers at locations where many members can easily go. Since these get-togethers are not official meetings, no one who is unable to attend misses out on information vital to a project. The lunches simply provide a fun chance to gather and brainstorm project ideas that can later be shared with the entire group via social media.

GFWC: Do you have members from across the state?

Sara Castelli: We accept members from anywhere, not just Florida. The sharing of ideas has been great and some of the out-of-state members have been very supportive of our projects, often involving additional community members in the projects. Many cyber club members are also members of “brick and mortar” clubs, this allows them to share what they learn from us with their more traditional club.

GFWC: What projects has the cyber club selected to support?

Sara Castelli: Our Holocaust Stamp project is ongoing and has been a resounding success! We also collect old nylons for recycling into park benches and write letters to Veterans for Honor Flight. In the future, we plan to write letters of encouragement to Cancer patients with the assistance of a clearing house for delivery.

GFWC: Is there anything else you would like your fellow clubwomen to know about cyber clubs?

Sara Castelli: When there is a poll to be taken, a notice is sent out via email with a time limit for submitting responses. Only the responses received within the required timeframe are counted. It requires some adjustment from the usual method of quorums. We also don’t set term limits on leadership positions due to the need to learn our electronic systems and the fact that many members are interested in participating without taking on the responsibilities of leaders. The idea is to reach as many women as possible, involve them with our projects, and acquaint them with Federation. We encourage members to join “brick and mortar” clubs if they wish and attend state, region, and national conferences if they are able. For those unable to attend Federation meetings, we make sure to report on all that happens via our website and social media exchanges.

Help St. Jude End Childhood Cancer

By Deborah Allen, GFWC Juniors’ Special Program: Advocates for Children Chairman and Jolie Frankfurth, GFWC Director of Junior Clubs

What do GFWC clubwomen do when you ask them to reach a goal? They meet that goal and reach even higher! Since launching the GFWC National Team to help raise funds through the St. Jude Walk/Run to End Childhood Cancer, clubwomen have exceeded the 2016 goal set for GFWC by starting over 25 teams nationwide in over 17 markets. By hosting teams in multiple markets, GFWC has helped raise awareness for St. Jude in their fight to end childhood cancer, the leading cause of death by disease for U.S. children past infancy.

GFWC began a partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital during the 2015 GFWC Annual Convention in Memphis, Tennessee. Treatments developed at St. Jude have helped increase the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to 80 percent since the hospital opened more than 50 years ago. St. Jude freely shares the breakthroughs it makes, and every child saved at St. Jude means doctors and scientists worldwide can use that knowledge to save thousands more children. Although families never receive a bill for treatment, it cost nearly $1 billion to operate St. Jude in 2016 with more than 75% of those funds raised by public contributions with an average individual donation of $35.

As many of you are getting ready for your St. Jude Walk/Run to End Childhood Cancer event, other clubwomen are raising funds through GFWC Virtual Walk teams. Whether you are walking in an event or raising funds for a virtual team, there are resources available to GFWC clubwomen:

  • Final Incentive Challenge: Any participant who receives ten online donations during the month of September will be entered into drawing to win 50,000 American Airlines AAdvantage miles. There will be one winner per city.
  • As a GFWC Clubwoman, you are welcomed to visit the National Teams Zone on race day. Check in to the race, collect your swag, and then head to the National Teams Zone! Let the St. Jude volunteers at the National Teams Tent know that you are a GFWC member. There will be snacks and goodies as well, so it is a fun place to meet before the opening ceremony!
  • Listen to the GFWC/St. Jude webinar for more fundraising and events resources:
  • After the walk/run events are finished, GFWC team fundraising pages will be able to accept donations until December 31, 2016. Remember to report all of your efforts in the Juniors’ Special Program: Advocates for Children category! Send pictures to GFWC of any events held as well as race day festivities!

It’s time to celebrate! Use social media to show your team’s success. Consider issuing a St. Jude Challenge to another GFWC team, state, or region to see who can be the first to raise $1,734. If you think that’s a tough challenge, ask the GFWC Junior Board who hosted a St. Jude Party at the August Board of Directors meeting.

The GFWC Junior Board was full of surprises as they hosted the St. Jude Pre-Race “Kick-Off” Party for the “Amazing GFWC Team BOD” to set the stage for other clubs and states to follow as we kicked off the September St. Jude Children’s Research Center Walk/Run to End Childhood Cancer.

Themed after The Amazing Race TV series, the black and gold invitation encouraged all 200 members of the GFWC Board of Directors and GFWC Staff to join in the pre-race festivities to help St. Jude in “Finding Cures & Saving Children.” The event was a simple gathering that included games, prizes, and a signature drink at the “Watering Hole.” In Amazing Race style, attendees ventured through ROAD BLOCKS, where they had to eat the contents in a Dixie cup in hope of finding the St. Jude logo; “Crack the Code” before getting around the DETOUR; YIELD at the “Find a Cure” table in which they selected gift boxes to help move one step closer to “finding the cure” inside; and FAST FORWARD through the printed race track while leaving their signature “thumb” print at the Finish Line.

Prizes were distributed throughout the evening from the winners at each of the game locations.  Laptops were set up with Junior Board members assisting to register walkers, virtual walkers, and state and/or club teams. This was an added plus for those members who were unsure as to how to get their teams registered.

The evening closed with a thank you from Jolie Frankfurth, GFWC Director of Junior Clubs, who announced that donations from that evening’s two-hour social event totaled over $2,400! What a simple way to accomplish a fundraising event, support a GFWC Partner, and encourage interaction between the Board of Directors.

What did your state or club plan in support of September being Childhood Cancer Awareness Month? #GFWC4Children


Promote Conservation—Visit a National Park!

By Angela Cutrera
GFWC Conservation Chairman

GFWC’s commitment to conservation has been evident throughout its history as clubwomen around the country have focused on the preservation of our natural resources. This dedication is the perfect complement to the National Park Service, which works to care for natural and historical treasures.

GFWC President Mary Belle King Sherman, who served as Conservation Chairman from 1914-1920, was instrumental in the formation of six national parks, representing GFWC at the dedication of Rocky Mountain Park near her home and advocating for the GFWC resolution supporting the National Park Service Bill. On August 25, 1916, the National Park Service was officially created when President Woodrow Wilson signed the National Park Service Organic Act.

To celebrate the 2016 Centennial, the National Park Service invites visitors to “Find Your Park” and discover these historic parks located across the country. So, can YOU Find Your Park?  More than 400 national parks cover over 84 million acres, and there is at least one in every state. These parks are known by numerous names and are big, scenic areas. There are national lakeshores, seashores, and rivers. National monuments are large and small and national memorials honor a person or event.  National battlefields commemorate a military action and national historic sites preserve the country’s history. National preserves are scientific landscapes and wildlife resources.

A visit with Park Ranger Jeremy Wirtz at the Prairie Acadian Cultural Center in Eunice, Louisiana, part of the Jean Lafitte National Park and Preserve in Louisiana, gave an insight into what the national parks really are about. “We are everyone’s park,” Jeremy stated.  He is willing to work with individuals and groups to conduct programs we are interested in. His job is to pitch national parks, teach the history and culture of the area, and share how we are all responsible for the care of natural resources.

Caring for national parks takes a lot of work from each of its employees as well as the assistance of volunteers.  Jobs for volunteers include working in the visitor center, grounds maintenance, photography, helping with research, or leading hikes.

Consider ways that you and your club members can volunteer and promote the National Park Service:

  • Research the national parks and plan a visit to explore a park in your area.
  • Plan a year-long study at your club meetings to educate your members about the National Park Service, its history, and the many parks, monuments, and historic sites throughout the country.
  • Contact your local park and see if they need volunteers.
  • Do they offer programs for kids? Volunteer to help or start a program of your own, such as a nature walk or a craft class using recyclable materials.
  • Inquire about adopting a trail or a section of the park. Assist with maintenance, planting of trees, flowers or plants, or cleaning up litter.
  • Choose to stay at a national park when traveling.
  • Inquire about programs they can offer your group. Topics could include conservation, preservation, recycling, natural resources, plants and animals, or the history and culture of the area.
  • Support the parks with monetary donations or by becoming a member of the National Parks Conservation Association.

Celebrate the 2016 Centennial of the National Park Service and Find Your Park.  Discover America’s parks, have fun, and become a steward of these natural and historical treasures to ensure their existence for the next 100 years!


Katherine White: A Born Leader

The Jennie Award is named after Jane Cunningham Croly, the founder of GFWC who worked as a journalist using the pen name “Jennie June.” The women honored with this award are a true reflection of the spirit of GFWC’s founder, whose independence and courage led her to form the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1890. As the only award at the Federation level that recognizes individuals for their service, it is truly the highest honor a clubwoman can receive. Much like Jennie June, these women are committed to improving the lives of those around them. They live and breathe volunteer service, and are completely devoted to their clubs, communities, and families.

We hope you have enjoyed reading about this year’s Jennie Award Winners. To learn more about the award, please visit

Katherine (Kathy) White, a member of the Winterport Woman’s Club in Winterport, Maine, is this year’s New England Region Recipient of the Jennie Award. GFWC was honored to present Kathy with this award in front of her friends, family, and fellow clubwomen at the Wonderful, Wacky Women Luncheon during the 2016 GFWC Annual Convention.

Living the Volunteer Spirit is not just a tagline when used in reference to Katherine White. Kathy has been a volunteer her entire life.” This sentence opens the narrative included in Kathy’s Jennie Award Nomination Form, and perfectly captures her dedication to community service.

For over 30 years, Kathy has served the Winterport Woman’s Club as a board member, leading the club in numerous successful projects. Within GFWC Maine, Kathy has held the office of State President, Executive Committee Member, District President, and Chairman of various committees. As GFWC Maine President, Kathy’s Special Project, Family Well-being, raising over $40,000 for Maine Partnership for Healthy Communities.

Kathy led the club in renovating the Union Meeting House, a 175-year-old building on the National Register of Historic Places, raising $200,000 to save the house’s steeple. She has dedicated herself to raising awareness of domestic violence, organizing the collection of 482 pairs of socks to be donated to local domestic violence shelters. As co-chair of the Winterport Community Fund Drive, she helped raise $30,000 over the course of six months, surpassing the original $25,000 goal. The proceeds from this drive were donated to the Lafayette Cancer Center. Through the club’s Community Calendar Fundraiser, Kathy has helped raise money for scholarships, town beautification projects, and the local food pantry.

“Kathy is a well-rounded lady who will do any job asked of her to the very best of her ability, and in an impeccable way,” said Jane Le Vie, 2014-2016 GFWC Maine District Three President.

On the national level, Kathy has served as New England Region President and on several GFWC Committees, including International Liaisons, Signature Program, Communications and Public Relations, and Membership.

“Kathy’s dedication and love for GFWC is evident in all the many ways she has served this wonderful organization. She will be the first to tell you that GFWC is a wonderful opportunity to enrich your life. She is also living proof of that statement,” Jane said.

In addition to her work with GFWC, Kathy has served multiple positions for the Winterport Health Council and the National Council of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency for Maine. She has been a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, Maine Partnership for Healthy Communities, and the Bangor Junior League.

Congratulations, Kathy, and thank you for Living the Volunteer Spirit in all that you do.

Celebrate 100 Years of National Parks!

Today is the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service (NPS). Offering spaces for people to enjoy the natural beauty of America and learn about the past, America’s national parks can also teach us about GFWC’s involvement in the conservation effort. As NPS marks this incredible milestone, GFWC clubwomen have much to celebrate.

As American industrialization advanced in the 19th century, and urban centers swelled, Americans counteracted the effects with the reform movements that came to define the Progressive Era. Women became the foot soldiers behind the battles for child labor laws, education reform, and the conservation movement. The wilderness was often viewed as a masculine territory, too wild for a lady of the time. However, women used their domestic positions as a way of carving out a space for themselves in nature. In the 19th century, a woman’s role as mother was granted a more expansive definition. As the caretakers of our nation’s youth, women were seen as protectors of the national heritage, and were portrayed as the nation’s moral guides. Using these expectations as a launch pad, women across the nation embroiled themselves in the fight to maintain America’s natural landscape and resources, with the General Federation of Women’s Clubs leading the way at the local and national levels.

Clubwomen of GFWC first began expressing interest in conservation in 1896. Advocacy for green spaces rapidly became a central concern. By 1902 we had created the Forestry Committee, the precursor to today’s Conservation Committee. Clubwomen across the country became active participants in the fight for national parks, but three women standout as leaders of the movement. Lovell White, Alta McDuffee, and Mary King Sherman were lynchpins of the conservation movement, and among the most pivotal figures in securing the legislation which formed the NPS. All three women held active leadership positions within GFWC.

Mrs. Lovell White, president of the California Federation, led the movement to save California’s Big Trees. When the Calaveras Grove was bought by a timber company, White organized women throughout the country in protest, stating the deleterious effects the loss of the trees would have on California’s ecosystem, and it’s quality of life. A.D. Sharon, the California Federation’s Vice President, appealed to President William McKinley, asking for a bill to interfere with the destruction of the forest. Although Sharon convinced McKinley to send an appeal to congress, the bill for protection was never approved. Consequently, White and Sharon managed to collect 1.5 million signatures, petitioning congress to protect California’s trees. The petition helped to garner an appeal from Theodore Roosevelt, and marked the first time that a message bad been sent to Congress by an organization which was entirely run by women. Calaveras Big Trees State Park was created in 1954, over half a century after White and GFWC California begin their quest.

Alta McDuffee’s work with the New Hampshire Federation of Women’s clubs also demonstrated how GFWC’s conservation efforts operated in sync at the state and local levels. Working with the state of New Hampshire and the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, McDuffe, GFWC New Hampshire’s State President, spearheaded the effort to save Franconia Notch from being developed for timber. Under McDuffee’s guidance, GFWC raised over $10,000 for the campaign to purchase 6,000 acres within the forest. McDuffe’s diplomacy earned the project an endorsement from the Maine Federation, as well as donations from across the country.

Perhaps no clubwomen embodied the ethos of extending the definition of “home” to the wilderness better than International Past President Mary King Sherman. Sherman was appointed the Conservation Chair in 1914, where she advocated for the establishment of the NPS. Nicknamed “The National Park Lady,” Sherman’s administration theme was aptly dedicated to the preservation of the American home and the American wilderness. Sherman became an instrumental force in lobbying for the creation of Rocky Mountain National Park in 1915, and the campaign fror the Grand Canyon National Park. As Conservation Chairmen, Sherman threw the full support of GFWC behind the creation of the National Park Service, which became a reality on August 25, 1916.

Today, GFWC continues our proud tradition of advocating for the formidable work accomplished by the National Park Service, and promoting conservation efforts. In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the NPS, and the sacrifices made by our own clubwomen, we invite you to #FindYourPark.

Sue Ann Stearns: Always Present with a Smile

The Jennie Award is named after Jane Cunningham Croly, the founder of GFWC who worked as a journalist using the pen name “Jennie June.” The women honored with this award are a true reflection of the spirit of GFWC’s founder, whose independence and courage led her to form the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1890. As the only award at the Federation level that recognizes individuals for their service, it is truly the highest honor a clubwoman can receive. Much like Jennie June, these women are committed to improving the lives of those around them. They live and breathe volunteer service, and are completely devoted to their clubs, communities, and families.

Stay tuned for next week’s blog post featuring New England Region Jennie Award Winner Katherine White!  

Sue Ann Stearns, a member of the Carrizozo Woman’s Club in Nogal, New Mexico, is this year’s South Central Region Recipient of the Jennie Award. GFWC was honored to present Sue with this award in front of her friends, family, and fellow clubwomen at the Wonderful, Wacky Women Luncheon during the 2016 GFWC Annual Convention.

In 1970, Sue’s father-in-law Johnson Stearns told her to “Join the Woman’s Club! Those are great ladies, and they get things done!” Sue decided to see for herself, and found this advice to be true, as she remains an active member over 45 years later. From participating in every club activity, project, and fundraiser, to being known as a friend to all clubwomen, Sue is always willing to do what is needed to improve her community.

As president of the club, Sue was a leader in the planning and building of the Casa Manana Apartment Complex, which provides housing for low-income senior citizens. Sue served as manager of the complex for 25 years and is still a member of the Board of Directors. This project received fourth place in the 1979 GFWC Community Improvement Program Contest.

As club historian, Sue was successful in securing the placement of the Carrizozo Woman’s Club Building on the National and New Mexico State Historical Registries, and continues to work to maintain the building. Sue is passionate about her club’s history and wrote a thorough account about this history with a report titled, “A Celebration—90 Years of the Carrizozo Woman’s Club, A Brief History of Our Club, GFWC, and GFWC New Mexico.”

“With all her involvement in other endeavors, and working full time for many years until retirement just a few years ago, I don’t see how she found the time and energy to make her many contributions to the Carrizozo Woman’s Club’s meetings and activities,” said Suzi Wolfe, 2014-2016 President of the Carrizozo Woman’s Club. “But she was always present with a smile and assistance when needed.”

In addition to her volunteer work with GFWC, Sue actively served her community as an employee for the Carrizozo-Capital Soil and Water Division of the United States Department of Agriculture. She has served on the board of directors for the Lincoln County Medical Center, New Horizons Center for the Developmentally Disabled, and the Zia Senior Citizens Center. She played a key role in the establishment of the Carrizozo Visitors Center, having single-handedly located the old caboose that currently houses the center.

“Sue is an active, well-known, well-respected and much-loved member of the community,” said Peggy Pinson, a member of the Carrizozo Woman’s Club.

Congratulations Sue, and thank you for your service!