Celebrating GFWC Mothers and Daughters: Part Three

This blog is part three of a series about mothers and daughters who share GFWC membership. Click here to read parts one and two!

As they get older, mothers and daughters often find themselves busier, leaving less time to spend together. Jen Wilbur and Celene Post, and many other mothers and daughters who are members of GFWC, find that volunteering is the perfect way to make the most of their time together.

“Although we both lead busy lives, GFWC is a great bond for us to share. It makes me more determined than ever to continue as an active member of GFWC,” Celene said.

GFWC Annual Conventions are especially fun for Jen and Celene, who live in Arizona. The 2013 Annual Convention in Hollywood, Florida, was a particularly proud moment for Celene, as Jen was the Arizona LEADS Candidate.

“We get to get away from everything. My mother is very involved with GFWC so she can get busy but we always find time just to have fun, whether it be a day of shopping, a night out, or a GFWC activity. We have gotten better each year at planning, it’s almost down to a science now,” Jen said.

Jen and Celene have served as co-chairmen of their club’s Conservation Service Program, and enjoyed running recycling programs, celebrating Earth Day and Arbor Day, protecting nature, and planting trees.

“I think this will be something we look back at when we both get older and will be able to cherish these memories,” Jen said.

Laura Bryant Palmer joined the Spartanburg Junior Women’s Club in 1991 at the insistence of her mother, Jolene Willard Bryant, who was a member of the GFWC-Jubilee Club in South Carolina.

“Not following her instructions was something I was unaccustomed to doing, so, at the age of 22, I became a clubwoman,” she said.

In 1999, Laura’s mother encouraged her to run for South Carolina Junior Director. She was elected and served alongside her mother, who was the State President.

“During the 2000-2002 administration, my mother and I traveled across the state, the region, and the country together. The memories that I have from those two years are numerous and precious,” Laura said.

Jolene received the Woman of Distinction Award from GFWC South Carolina in 2012. In April 2015, she was honored for being nominated to the Order of the Jasmine, and Laura accepted the award on her mother’s behalf.

“The next morning at the annual memorial service, district presidents lit a candle for those members in their respective districts who had passed on since the last convention.  My mother’s name, Jolene Willard Bryant, was called. I lit her candle. It was our last convention,” Laura said.

In Indiana, the Chesterton Woman’s Club is full of mothers and daughters who share a GFWC membership.

Lillian Vetter, mother of Gretchen Vetter Loomis, a current club member, was a charter member of the club when it was federated in 1936 and served as president from 1941-1943. She is the author of two memoirs of her parents. She passed away in May 1977 at age 84.

Mary Elizabeth Paynter Rhed, mother of current member Bertha Rhed Still, was an active member for over 50 years. She aged gracefully and went blind. She loved books on tape and wrote book reports, and received a GFWC award for reading 100 books. She could hardly wait for Bertha to retire from teaching to join the club. Bertha was president of Chesterton Woman’s Club before her mother died at 99 in 2005.

Ruth Ton, mother-in-law of Sharon Ton, one the newest club members, was a very active member. Ruth is remembered by some of the club’s longtime members as being raised in the South and always dressed to the T’s as she never left her home without hose, heels, a hat, and white gloves. She never drove a car and depended on friends to pick her up.

Ann Hokanson is the club’s oldest member at 103 years. Ann majored in English, speech, and theatre and would direct plays for the club functions and in the Chesterton community. Ann did not join GFWC until after her children were settled in school. Ann’s daughter now brings her to club meetings when Ann is up to it, especially when the club celebrates Founder’s Day and installs new officers and members. She always has words of wisdom to share.

If you’re a clubwoman with a legacy in GFWC, please consider joining the GFWC Legacy Club. Learn more by visiting the club’s Facebook page.

Stay tuned for more stories throughout the month of May about mothers and daughters who belong to GFWC!


GFWC Annual Convention Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register for GFWC Annual Convention?
There are several ways you can register for GFWC Annual Convention:
Online: Click here to register
Mail: Download the printable registration form from the “Important Convention Documents” section found here
Phone: Call 202-347-3168 and a staff member will help register you over the phone

GFWC staff prefer online registration as it is the easiest and most accurate way to track and maintain our records.

How do I modify my registration?
The best way to modify your registration is online via the registration page. When you are on the main registration page, there is a link at the bottom of the fillable form that says “Already Registered?” Click this link.

Fill out your email address and confirmation number (your confirmation number should be in the email you received after you registered) and click “OK”. You will be brought to a summary page of your registration. Click “Modify” and then click “Registration” (in the table). Here you can add or remove any of your registration items.

You may also contact GFWC Events Coordinator Jennifer Simpson at JSimpson@gfwc.org or 202-347-3168 ext 127 to modify your registration.

I have a dietary restriction/medical accommodation, what should I do?
When you register for Annual Convention, there is a section which will ask if you have any dietary restrictions or medical accommodations that you need to adhere to. Please be as specific as possible.  GFWC will do its best to accommodate your request, however all requests are not guaranteed to be met.

If you have already registered and forgot to add your restrictions, please contact GFWC Events Coordinator Jennifer Simpson at JSimpson@gfwc.org or 202-347-3168 ext 127.

Do I need to sign up for the GFWC workshops?
No, you do not need to sign up for the GFWC workshops. On the day of the workshop, just show up!

When is the 501(c)(3) Workshop?
The 501(c)(3) Workshop will take place on Wednesday, June 29. Part one will be from 8:00 a.m.-9:15 a.m. and part two will be from 3:15 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

Questions regarding the 501(c)(3) Workshop should be directed to Membership Services and Programs Director Melanie Gisler at mgisler@gfwc.org or 202-347-3168 ext 221.

I am not attending the full Convention, but I would like to participate in the events taking place before Convention/the Installation Banquet. How do I register?
If you are only attending Junior Night, State Night, or the Installation Banquet/Ceremony/Reception, you do not need to pay registration fees. When you register, select “Junior Night/State Night/Installation Attendee” as your registration type. Please note, you are not eligible to vote if you choose this registration type.

Can I bring a guest to Convention and do they need to register?
Yes! GFWC welcomes all guests, whether family or friend, to Convention. Guests can register themselves online or you can do it for them. If you are registering online, you will be able to add your guest through your registration. If you are registering via mail, please fill out a separate registration form for your guest. Please select “Guest (Non-Members and Non-Boosters)” as their registration type.

I am a GFWC Board of Directors Member, how do I register for the GFWC Board of Directors Meeting?
Both the 2014-2016 Board of Directors Lunch Meeting and the 2016-2018 Board of Director post-Convention meeting can be found through the Convention Registration. If you plan on only attending the Board Meeting, register as a “Junior Night/State Night/Installation Attendee,” and then only select the specific Board Meeting you are attending. This will ensure that you are not charged registration fees for Convention.

What do I do upon arrival to Convention?
After checking in with the hotel, your first stop should be the GFWC Registration Desk. Bring a copy of your online registration confirmation, pick-up your materials, and review your information carefully. Throughout the Convention, GFWC staff and Convention volunteers will be easily identifiable. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance!


Celebrating GFWC Mothers and Daughters: Part Two

This blog is part two of a series about mothers and daughters who share GFWC membership. Click here to read part one!

Mary Russell recalls that her mother, Madaline Prior, became a member of the GFWC Colorado Woman’s Citizenship Club in the 1970s. She would spend hours trimming canceled stamps, a GFWC Colorado fundraising project, while watching old movies.

“Every now and again I would see her with the ladies, attending meetings at our local hotel restaurant. She made a point to ask me to join many times but I was busy working, raising a family and just didn’t seem to have enough time,” Mary said.

But soon, Madaline’s belief in volunteer service passed on to Mary, who joined her mother’s club in 2006.

“I started to be one of the ladies she lunched with! We had a great time together working on various projects in the community,” Mary said.

Madaline passed away in 2009. Mary is so grateful to her mother for opening up a whole new world for her through GFWC.

“I am and will always be a committed clubwoman,” Mary said. “Every time we say the Collect, I always say a silent thank you to my mom.”

Marietjie Robberts is a fourth generation clubwoman. Her great-grandmother was a founding member of a club in South Africa.

 “My grandmother, my mother, and her eight sisters were all in GFWC,” Marietjie said. “We moved to America in 1996 and I joined the GFWC Woman’s Club in Crookston, Minnesota.”

Marietjie’s mother, Ella Lochner, will be turning 98 at the end of May.

“Her enthusiasm about her club really inspired me,” Marietjie said. “I am the Minnesota state treasurer and have enjoyed four years of doing that.”

Tina O’ Connor’s mother, Lela Mac Buster, belonged to the Las Fidelis Study Club of Levelland, Texas for sixty-four years.

“When I retired from teaching, she wanted me to join and I did. It is a decision that I have never regretted! Federation is now a very important part of my life as well,” Tina said.

As a child, Tina knew her mother’s club work was a vital part of her life. It was part of who she was.

“As I became more and more involved; my mother, as mothers are prone to do, became increasingly proud of me. I give many programs and she was my biggest fan and encouragement. Being in a club together brought us closer together,” Tina said.

“Mac” Buster continuing attending club meetings until the end of her life even though she had terminal cancer. Tina would help her dress and take her to meetings, as her mom never wanted to miss a meeting! She attended her last club meeting in December 2013 and died in January of 2014, at the age of 89. Tina has continued to be active in GFWC.

“I’m sure my mother would be extremely proud that I am continuing her legacy as a Federated club member,” Tina said.

Cynthia LIngo Angermeier’s great-grandmother, Annie Green Voshell, was elected president of the Rising Sun Community Club of Delaware when it was in was established in 1915. A picture taken at the gathering shows a small child sitting on the lap of one of the members.

“The child was my mother, Margaret Voshell Lingo, who had just had her first birthday. The picture also includes my grandmother, Bertha Mason Voshell,” Cynthia said.

Cynthia’s mother was honored as a 50-year member in 1998. She continued to be as active as possible until her passing in 2011.

“I am proud to have served as president of this wonderful dedicated group of women and to continue our family legacy,” Cynthia said.

If you’re a clubwoman with a legacy in GFWC, please consider joining the GFWC Legacy Club. Learn more by visiting the club’s Facebook page.

Stay tuned for more stories throughout the month of May about mothers and daughters who belong to GFWC!


Celebrating GFWC Mothers and Daughters: Part One

Mother’s Day gives us the opportunity to thank our mothers for all they have done to make a difference in our lives. Mothers feed us, clothe us, and take care of us when we’re sick, often without any thanks or appreciation. When we get older, we begin to recognize our mothers for the caring and generous women that they are. That’s what makes sharing a connection in GFWC so special. There are many mothers and daughters whose bond has been strengthened by being clubwomen and volunteering together.

The Sisterhood of Service becomes even stronger when you’re able to share a love of GFWC with your own family. Jolie and Darby Frankfurth know this firsthand.

Jolie loves that her daughter is learning the value of volunteering and taking responsibility for her community. Even though Darby is now in college, Jolie knows that the lessons Darby learned in GFWC stick with her today.

“I’m most proud when she stands up to injustices and isn’t afraid to tell others what she believes in,” Jolie said.

Darby is constantly inspired by her mom. At fourteen, Jolie asked her if she wanted to join the Juniorettes. There was no doubt in Darby’s mind that she wanted to become a clubwoman.

“I’ve always wanted to be just like her,” Darby said. “She is a natural leader and everyone just loves her. She is my hero.”

Darby and Jolie even share a favorite GFWC memory—planting pinwheels for child abuse awareness.

“After the 1,000 pinwheels we stuck in the ground at Florida Headquarters, she walked up to me and said she saved the last pinwheel for me,” Darby said.

Melanie Carriker Stevens and her mother, Wendy Carriker, also share a favorite memory—standing on stage together at the 2015 GFWC Annual Convention and receiving a charter for the GFWC Legacy Woman’s Club, which is open to any GFWC members with a family legacy in GFWC.

“Knowing that Melanie is in the company of other legacies such as GFWC President International Babs Condon, COO Rosemary Thomas, Debby Bryant, and so many other dynamic women and mentors makes me so very proud,” Wendy said.

As clubwomen, Melanie and Wendy enjoy brainstorming ideas for GFWC, talking about the organization’s future, and participating in volunteer projects.

“Plus, you never know when we will show up at a District or State function with the same outfit on!” Melanie said.

Sharing her love of GFWC with her daughters is something Wendy will always treasure.

“I believe that it has brought us closer together on a different level than parent and child, but as volunteers and women who are trying to improve their communities while growing as leaders at the same time,” Wendy said.

Melanie’s life has been greatly impacted by sharing her GFWC experience with her mother, she said.

“I could not imagine being a member of something greater than myself without her by my side. While growing up, my sister and I were taught that you give back to your community and help those you can. I could not image this journey without her, and look forward to the memories still to come,” Melanie said.

Clubwoman Deb Adams of Iowa has shared a GFWC connection with her mother and grandmother. Her grandmother was a member until she passed way at the age of 90. Deb decided to join when her mother moved closer to her.

“I knew I would be driving her to the GFWC meetings, so decided I would also join the club,” Deb said. “My mother is now 89 years old, and still enjoys going to the club meetings. And I am glad I have also joined.”

Fran Edwards of Virginia and her mother, Miriam Premaza, both served as president of their respective clubs from 1980-1982. Fran’s mother became a member of the GFWC Tarrara Woman’s Club shortly after they moved to Virginia from Pennsylvania when she was 12 years old.

“She seemed to have such a good time going to meetings, working on projects, and helping in the community,” Fran said.  “Following her example, after college, I eventually returned to my hometown and joined the Boykins Junior Women’s Club which gave me the opportunity to join mom when the two clubs met or worked together.”

When it was time to graduate from the Junior Club, Fran joined the Tarrara Club and worked alongside her mom for many years.

“I enjoyed being in club work with my mother because it gave us a common interest as peers, not as mother/daughter or grandmother/mother,” Fran said.

Miriam passed way in January, but Fran feels she is watching over her as she continues her GFWC journey.

“Hopefully, one day this legacy will continue when my daughter joins a Federated club,” Fran said.

If you’re a clubwoman with a legacy in GFWC, please consider joining the GFWC Legacy Club. Learn more by visiting the club’s Facebook page.

Stay tuned for more stories throughout the month of May about mothers and daughters who belong to GFWC!

Happy Birthday Mother Earth! Celebrate Earth Day on April 22

By Teresa Sanford-Shipplett
GFWC Conservation Chairman

The purpose of Earth Day, according to Senator Gaylord Nelson, the founder of Earth Day, was to bring to the forefront the environmental issues our world faces. Earth Day provides a forum to express concerns about what is happening to our environment.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Let’s keep this in mind as Earth Day approaches. Here are just a few things you and your club can do this Earth Day to help Mother Earth.

1. Change your daily habits. Switch off anything that uses electricity when not in use, unplug devices when possible, trade in your dryer for the clothesline, run the air-conditioner sparingly, use a warm blanket or sweater in winter, conserve water, recycle all you can, and be a mindful consumer.

2. Change your transportation habits. Walk or bike for local trips, organize carpools, take mass transit, plan out errands and combine trips, maintain your car, track your fuel economy, take fewer flights, and travel by bus or train.

3. Adapt your home by installing skylights, switching to LED bulbs, sealing off leaks, installing insulation, planting barrier trees, maintaining appliances, installing low-flow toilets, and cutting down on unneeded belongings.

4. Adapt your yard by planting a garden. Make your yard friendly to wildlife, avoid pesticides and man-made chemicals, plant a tree, make a compost area, and use a rake instead of a leaf blower.

5. Reuse items. Buy second hand clothes (there are some great deals out there), donate or share household items, up-cycle (turn useless junk into something fun and cute), buy and use fabric bags.

6. Engage in activism. Contact government officials, join an environmental organization, write a letter to the editor, donate to an environmental cause, and VOLUNTEER (that’s what GFWC members do best)! Become more involved with GFWC Conservation Partner The Nature Generation. Donate to their organization so that they can give more books to libraries, schools, after-school groups, etc. Become involved in some of their programs and activities to improve your own community. Please go to their website www.NatGen.org or explore the GFWC website under the conservation area.

You can also check out NatGen’s “There is No Planet B Earth Day Raffle”. You are supporting continued efforts to inspire children and young people to care for the earth, and you might win one of their amazing prizes!

Autism Awareness: Putting the Pieces Together

As the past GFWC North Dakota State President, my platform was “Autism Awareness, Putting the Pieces Together.” Those puzzle pieces being diagnosis, acceptance, and therapy. My grandson Collin was diagnosed with autism at the age of almost three, when his mother Stephanie was going to college.

Stephanie happened to be taking classes for special needs education and was studying the subject. Though the family knew there was something different about Collin, we couldn’t quite put our finger on what it was. When the college professor was going over the signs of autism, everything seemed to fit with what was going on with Collin. Stephanie discussed Collin’s behaviors with her college professor who put her in touch with the resources that would further assist her. One of the resources was Easter Seals, a GFWC Home Life Community Service Program Partner.

After Collin was diagnosed by a neurologist, the family had to accept he was not going to be the little boy that we had once envisioned. We began to accept him for who he was and provided the therapy Collin needed to make the most of his life. Collin started occupational and physical therapy as well as speech therapy, though he was and still is nonverbal. He first learned to communicate with sign language, which our family also learned, then went on to message boards, and currently uses an iPod. Enhancing his communication has made Collin more content and better able to function in the outside world.

Collin still becomes highly stimulated and does not handle a lot of activity around him, making it hard to attend public and family functions. This is where Easter Seals Respite Care is of service. Being a caregiver is emotionally and physically exhausting. It places a major strain on the wellbeing of the autistic child’s parents often affecting their health and marriage. Easter Seals Respite Care is “care for the caregiver.” It gives the caregivers a chance to refresh and recharge so they are able to once again take on their responsibilities. This is important for keeping autistic children out of institutional or foster care for a longer time, allowing them to stay with their family and community.

Collin is now 14 and mainstreamed into the 8th grade of his middle school. His teachers and peers have assisted him with his schooling both academically and emotionally. His classmate have befriended him and include him in their activities. Collin is well known in our community and is involved with Riding for Dreams Horse Therapy, Special Olympics bowling, and swimming. Collin finds these activities enjoyable and they improve both his emotional and physical wellbeing. While the road is not smooth, it is the road we have been set upon and the one we must travel.

As awareness and acceptance have grown, the journey has become more bearable, and a lot of blessings have been found along the way. One blessing being the special Autism Ribbon Pins my local GFWC Lisbon Mothers Club made. The ribbons were sold or given away to promote Autism Awareness. Many are still being worn by my GFWC Sisters and friends today. It is through this awareness and support that autism is finally being acknowledged and accepted. Let’s continue putting the pieces together.

by Connie Radcliffe, Past GFWC North Dakota State President

Twenty Years In – Thoughts from an Autism Mother

Although he was only in his mid-thirties, the young man looked weathered beyond his years, and his clothing was dirty and rumpled. He moved hesitantly among the tables in the restaurant, squinting heavily and looking lost. My worst nightmare had just shuffled into McDonald’s, and I was having lunch with him.

Less than 20% of those on the autism spectrum grow up to live independently. I’ve been an autism mother for over twenty years now, and my most pressing thought is, “What happens to my son when I’m gone?”

I arranged to meet Jon, an adult with autism in my community, after he reached out to me on Facebook, and I feared that he was being taken advantage of for his monthly Social Security check. He lived with five other people that made him pay the entire monthly rent, and harassed him when he tried to get help from any government agency, afraid they would lose their own food stamps and welfare checks.

With adulthood, many services and sources of support evaporate. The majority of aging autism parents care for and support their adult children, but Jon’s family had rejected and abandoned him long ago. He could walk to a few businesses nearby, but not a real grocery store. He longed for a service animal to provide comfort so he could navigate downtown more confidently. He wanted to work part-time, but didn’t drive.  Transportation was available, but cost $5.00 roundtrip. (I know – a bargain – but not for someone with a limited income.)  He got by living on the edges of society, but was in poor health and couldn’t effectively organize trips to the doctor or optometrist, or arrange his meals.

He confided that he was lonely and isolated, and spent long hours on the computer. “I wish someone could foster me”, he said quietly.

I’ve always been there for my son: comforting him when he didn’t get to pick from the treasure chest for good behavior on Fridays, staging fun activities when he wasn’t invited to birthday parties, advocating when he needed help. Therapies, learning to drive, applying to college, every step of the way we’ve had to work three times harder than everyone else. Sitting across from Jon, was I looking at what can happen to middle-functioning adults on the spectrum without parental support?

I know we don’t individually have the time or resources to mentor or look out for these adults on the spectrum, but GFWC women know better than anyone what can be accomplished when determined, caring women come together to solve a problem. I encourage you to support autism charities that promote understanding of the medical challenges of the autism spectrum and provide the skills needed to live and work independently. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. The Un-Prescription (the author’s non-profit)
  2. Expandability
  3. Green Bridge Growers
  4. Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center
  5. The Homestead

Together, we can make a difference!

By Dr. Janet Lintala

Dr. Janet Lintala is a clinician and author. Her book is entitled The Un-Prescription for Autism. She founded a non-profit, The Un-Prescription!, to provide resources that educate families and health professionals on safe non-prescription approaches to support the health of individuals on the autism spectrum.

Top 10 Reasons to go to Convention

The 2016 GFWC Annual Convention in Baltimore, Maryland is right around the corner and if you still have to register, now is the time. Hundreds of GFWC members go to Convention and always go home with memories that last a lifetime. You wouldn’t want to miss out on all the fun!

Need more convincing? Here are our TOP 10 REASONS why you should go:

 1. Catch up with your Federation Sisters. There’s nothing better than catching up with longtime friends. The GFWC Annual Convention allows you to reunite with all of your Federation sisters from around the world, share ideas and inspiration, and celebrate everyone’s accomplishments with GFWC contests and awards.

2. Indulge in a Well-Loved Tradition of Maryland. Join us at the “After Party” Maryland Crab Feast on Saturday, June 25 where you can eat as many blue crabs as your heart desires. Never picked a crab before? We’ll have an instructor on site to help you! Or if crabs aren’t your thing, there will be a variety of other food available as well. Once you’ve had your fill, dance the night away to the sounds of Billy Logue.

3. Explore the “Charms” of Charm City. Whether you decide to explore on your own or join us for one of the three GFWC-hosted tours, you will quickly discover the charismatic and historic culture of Baltimore. The three tours offered this year include the Star Spangled City Tour where you’ll learn about the War of 1812 and the creation of the Star Spangled Banner, the Great Art in Baltimore Tour where you’ll discover both local and global art, and the B&O Railroad Tour where you’ll visit the first commercial railroad in the United States.

4. Get Wacky with Artist and Author Suzy Toronto. The “Gathering of the Goddesses” Gala and ESO Breakfast on Tuesday, June 28 will be a blast with the zany and crazy Suzy Toronto as the featured speaker. Suzy is a well-known and colorful artist who will no doubt bring loads of fun with her to Convention.

5. Meet New Friends. New to GFWC or just want to expand your network? The GFWC Annual Convention is the perfect place to meet people like yourself who believe in the GFWC mission, history, and spirit. Meeting new people at the GFWC Annual Convention creates a network of learning, sharing, and inspiring.

6. Celebrate one last time with International President Babs Condon and the 2014-2016 Administration. Bid Farewell to the 2014-2016 Administration as they host their final Convention and celebrate all that the administration has done for GFWC. There is no better way to thank International President Babs J. Condon than Living the Volunteer Spirit in her home state of Maryland!

7. Meet the 2016-2018 Administration. Be among the first to congratulate the 2016-2018 GFWC officers as they take their new positions. The installation banquet, ceremony, and reception all take place on Wednesday, June 29 and will surely be a night to remember!

8. Lend a Helping Hand to Baltimore’s Homeless at the Sisterhood of Service Luncheon. The 2016 GFWC Convention service project will be one of our biggest yet! This year, we are teaming up with the Weinberg Center – a low-barrier shelter that provides services to Baltimore’s homeless population. With your help, we will provide much needed donations of toiletry bags, home starter kits, and dinner bags. For more information on the Weinberg Center, visit their website here and to learn about how you can help, click here.

9. Buy New GFWC Gear from Marketplace. The GFWC Marketplace often introduces great new products at Convention and this year is no exception! This year, we have 8” x 10” double matted gifty art prints and acrylic tumblers, featuring the Collect for Clubwomen and artwork by guest speaker Suzy Toronto. Be sure to stop by the Marketplace to get your commemorative merchandise!

10. Get Direct Access to GFWC Partners. Get direct access to our partners via the Partner Power Luncheon, Partner Workshops, and Partner Office Hours. These events and activities allow you to connect with the organizations who work with us to improve our communities and make the world a better place. Take the time you have with the partners to share your stories and experiences, discuss ideas, answer any questions about their organizations that you may have, and more!

Bonus Reason: Save money on Convention this year by registering as an All-Inclusive Attendee. This NEW deal allows you to pay one discounted price ($675) for registration and meals. The price includes your general $150 registration, all five banquets (Saturday-Wednesday,) four luncheons (Sunday-Wednesday,) and one breakfast. You’ll save a total of $50 and won’t have to miss out on any of the Convention fun!

Need more information on Convention? Visit the Convention web page or check the Call to Convention from the March+April edition of Clubwomen Magazine.

Remember to take the GFWC Shares Polls to vote for what you’re most looking forward to!


Autism Awareness Month – Bobbi Taylor’s Story

Clubwoman Bobbi Taylor has first-hand knowledge of how autism effects children and their families. When her grandson Logan was 2 years old, his parents began noticing the symptoms of autism. Unfortunately, doctors in his hometown of Atlanta, Georgia misdiagnosed his condition. It took Logan’s family 8 years of research and doctor visits to gain a correct diagnosis. Logan is on the low end of the autism spectrum.

Thanks to his family’s persistence and the intervention of Logan’s current doctor, his condition has greatly improved. Next year, he hopes to be in a mainstream classroom and spends much of his free time with his Transformer action figures – just like his peers. If Bobbi could give her fellow clubwoman one piece of advice, it would be to consider autism the next time they judge a child to be “misbehaving” in public. During the years of struggling to find a correct diagnosis and treatment, Logan’s parents were often hurt by criticism of his autistic behaviors which strangers misperceived as being the result of poor parenting.

Autistic children often have meltdowns due to over stimulation. Enabling the public to identify this and the other signs and symptoms of autism is one goal of Autism Awareness Month. Use the month of April and the resources provided by Easterseals, GFWC’s Home Life Community Service Program Partner, to expand your own knowledge of autism.

Download the Easterseals Autism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet
Watch the “Wondering if Your Child Is Developing on Track?” Video


Is Your Club Proactive or Reactive?

By Pam Briggs, GFWC Mediator

How you and your club handle difficult situations can determine whether things function smoothly or whether conflict and chaos take over. We can’t control what happens to us in life, but we can control our response to what happens.

Reactive responses are like a can of soda. Shake them up and you get a messy explosion no one feels good about. Proactive responses are like a bottle of water. Shake them up and they are still calm, cool, collected, and they are a refreshing drink everyone enjoys.

Being reactive is an uncontrolled and automatic response triggered by the situation and ruled by habit and emotion. It creates problems for us and for those around us. When we are reactive, we often do or say things we end up regretting. We give up control and respond with emotions rather than our thoughtful mind. Reactive people want to fix the problem on their own.

Reactive people use words like:

  • It’s your fault
  • There’s nothing I can do
  • That’s not fair

Reactive people and organizations are easily offended and blame others when things go wrong. They seem to always have a complaint. They wait for things to happen and change only when they have no other option. They think only about short-term solutions that often do not fully address the problem.

Being proactive can eliminate issues or prevent them from occurring at all.  When we are proactive we make a thoughtful choice to respond. It allows us to be in control and to tailor our responses to the situation. It is important for clubs to have proactive leaders and members who will think before they act and make decisions based on values rather than emotion.

Effective leaders use proactive words like:

  • I’m sorry
  • Let’s look at our options
  • There has to be a way

Proactive people and organizations think before they act or speak and take responsibility for their choices. They find a way to make things happen by focusing on things they can do something about and not worrying about things they can’t. They bounce back when something bad happens and understand the importance of tapping into the power of those around them for creating solutions. Proactive responses can calm stormy waters and take us calmly and thoughtfully to smoother waters.

Being reactive comes naturally. Proactive responses are learned.

Becoming aware of our tendencies to react with emotion is a first step in learning to have a proactive response. Pause and take a breath before responding. Ask yourself, am I reacting or responding?

Proactive people are happy and positive. Reactive people are angry and hopeless. Take a close look at yourself and your club. Are you proactive or reactive? Make a decision to be proactive. As Abraham Lincoln said, “People are just about as happy as they make up their mind to be.” Make up your mind to be proactive and help your club be proactive.