
Happy Birthday Mother Earth! Celebrate Earth Day on April 22

By Teresa Sanford-Shipplett
GFWC Conservation Chairman

The purpose of Earth Day, according to Senator Gaylord Nelson, the founder of Earth Day, was to bring to the forefront the environmental issues our world faces. Earth Day provides a forum to express concerns about what is happening to our environment.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Let’s keep this in mind as Earth Day approaches. Here are just a few things you and your club can do this Earth Day to help Mother Earth.

1. Change your daily habits. Switch off anything that uses electricity when not in use, unplug devices when possible, trade in your dryer for the clothesline, run the air-conditioner sparingly, use a warm blanket or sweater in winter, conserve water, recycle all you can, and be a mindful consumer.

2. Change your transportation habits. Walk or bike for local trips, organize carpools, take mass transit, plan out errands and combine trips, maintain your car, track your fuel economy, take fewer flights, and travel by bus or train.

3. Adapt your home by installing skylights, switching to LED bulbs, sealing off leaks, installing insulation, planting barrier trees, maintaining appliances, installing low-flow toilets, and cutting down on unneeded belongings.

4. Adapt your yard by planting a garden. Make your yard friendly to wildlife, avoid pesticides and man-made chemicals, plant a tree, make a compost area, and use a rake instead of a leaf blower.

5. Reuse items. Buy second hand clothes (there are some great deals out there), donate or share household items, up-cycle (turn useless junk into something fun and cute), buy and use fabric bags.

6. Engage in activism. Contact government officials, join an environmental organization, write a letter to the editor, donate to an environmental cause, and VOLUNTEER (that’s what GFWC members do best)! Become more involved with GFWC Conservation Partner The Nature Generation. Donate to their organization so that they can give more books to libraries, schools, after-school groups, etc. Become involved in some of their programs and activities to improve your own community. Please go to their website or explore the GFWC website under the conservation area.

You can also check out NatGen’s “There is No Planet B Earth Day Raffle”. You are supporting continued efforts to inspire children and young people to care for the earth, and you might win one of their amazing prizes!