
Woman’s Club of Chevy Chase Recruits 54 New Members

Is your club in need of new members, but trying to figure out the best strategy for attracting prospective clubwomen? The Woman’s Club of Chevy Chase (Maryland) has found great success in member recruitment by establishing an Evening Section. Since January 2016, the club has recruited 54 new members—bringing their total membership to 233 active members.

“The biggest reason we’ve had so many new members is the addition of our evening section,” said Phyllis Kokus, the club’s membership chair.

This section meets on Tuesday nights, allowing women who work during the day to become members of the club. In addition to the new meeting time, Club President Marilyn Sherman’s emphasis on community service has attracted members to the club.

Dynamic guest speakers, including authors such as Kate Anderson Bauer, as well as the club’s monthly programs, have led to an influx of new members. Phyllis also attributes the club’s beautiful clubhouse as a factor, as many women are curious about the organization after driving by the house.

For any clubs looking to replicate this success story in their own communities, Phyllis says it’s important to be welcoming and inclusive, and to “invite, invite, invite, and always follow-up.” Members are encouraged to invite friends to join the club, which has proven to be a successful strategy for the Woman’s Club of Chevy Chase.

Congratulations to the Woman’s Club of Chevy Chase for recruiting so many new members. Learn more about GFWC’s “It’s the Real Deal” Recruitment Campaign by visiting