Since its inception, GFWC has advocated passionately for the advancement of women and children through education. Education is the one thing that has the potential to level the playing field for all Americans. Every community in every state and region of the country is impacted.
According to the American Library Association, GFWC is credited with founding approximately 474 free public libraries and 4,655 traveling libraries. Supporting local libraries continues to be one of GFWC’s priorities today.
GFWC promotes education for both children and adults. Projects in the Education and Libraries Community Service Program are designed to foster schools and other educational institutions and opportunities, and promote libraries, literacy, and reading good books. Through these efforts, we encourage the growth of individuals and communities at home and around the world.

2023 Program Statistics
592,384 Volunteer Hours
7,690 Projects Completed

Epsilon Sigma Omicron (ESO)
GFWC formed the Epsilon Sigma Omicron (ESO), an honorary educational society for members to promote the love of reading and additional educational programs that promote literacy across the nation. Advocating for education and libraries is paramount to building the future intellectual capacity of children to adulthood
64,000+ books read in 2023

“The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
—Ted Geisel (Dr. Seuss)
Education and Libraries Community Service Program Club Projects:

Storybook Trail
GFWC Grangers Women’s Club, iowa
One of the featured projects is “Storybook Trail,” created by GFWC Grangers Women’s Club in partnership with the Granger Public Library to display a series of published children’s picture books at local parks. The “Storybook Trail” focuses on families with small children to encourage the love of nature and reading all the while enjoying the fresh outdoors. The nature walk is 835 feet in distance with 25 stations along the way that consist of reading activities for parents and children. It is just one of many creative ways GFWC members in Iowa partnered in their local community to foster the love of written word.

Little Libraries for New Homes—Partnership with Habitat for Humanity
GFWC Glendale Woman’s Club, Arizona
The club reached out to the corporate office of Habitat for Humanity and offered to provide little libraries for every home they deliver in Maricopa County, Arizona. The committee developed a survey to get to know the individual families, their ages, and book interests. Once a home is ready to be delivered, the club purchases and assembles a bookcase and then meets to select the family’s books. Every bookcase delivery includes at least 25 books, a family-friendly board game or puzzles, and soft furry toys for the little one. They also included a club brochure so the family can learn about the GFWC Glendale Woman’s Club and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. All contributing Habitat for Humanity partners are invited to the home dedication ceremony. The club members arrive early to set up the bookcase and stock the contents before the start of the celebration, then stay to meet the new homeowners and join in the day of celebration. In 2023, the GFWC Glendale Woman’s Club delivered nine bookcases, fully loaded and ready for the new homeowners to enjoy.
Program IMPACT
GFWC members promote education for both children and adults implementing programs designed to foster schools and other educational institutions and opportunities, and promote libraries, literacy, and reading good books.
number of projects completed
volunteer hours completed
dollars donated
in kind donations
2023 GFWC Statistical Data