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End Human Trafficking in Your Community


If you’ve been following the GFWC Facebook and Twitter pages, you may have noticed that we’ve been sharing facts about human trafficking throughout the month of January to mark Human Trafficking Awareness Month. These facts, provided by GFWC International Outreach Partner U.S. Fund for UNICEF, included the shocking statistic that over 5.5 million children worldwide are victims of human trafficking.

Human trafficking may feel like it’s a problem that happens somewhere far away, but the truth is that it’s been reported in every U.S. state. That’s why it’s more important than ever for clubwomen to work together to end trafficking.

Mansi Mehta, Manager of Civil Society Partnerships at the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, hosted a webinar for GFWC members last week to share ways that we can work together to end trafficking. Clubwomen learned about how to speak to their clubs and local communities about stopping human trafficking.

While Human Trafficking Awareness Month has come to a close, there are many ways we can continue to act throughout the year, including:

Learn the signs of human trafficking
Visit to learn more about common signs child victims of trafficking may show, including working long and excessive hours, being nervous or anxious, and appearing malnourished.

Get informed about human trafficking
UNICEF USA offers both a podcast series and a toolkit that can help you learn more about this issue.

Be aware of and decrease your slavery footprint
Visit to learn more about how victims of human trafficking are exploited and how you can ensure the products you purchase don’t use exploited workers.

Host a screening of Not My Life 
Not My Life shows human trafficking both around the world in the United States. Email  to get a copy of the film. You can also host a facilitated discussion following the documentary.

Check out more tips covered in the End Trafficking Webinar by clicking here.