One of the core tenets of living the American Dream is the “pursuit of happiness.” As people endeavor to achieve happiness, one’s personal health and wellness are paramount.
In the 1970s, Dr. Bill Hettler introduced the “Wellness Wheel” as a principle for living a healthier, fuller, and better life by consciously paying attention to the importance of balancing aspects of our lives. The Six Dimensions of Wellness consists of emotional, occupational, physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual.

2023 Program Statistics
604,803 Volunteer Hours
8,409 Projects Completed

Why it Matters
The GFWC Health and Wellness Community Service Program promotes nutrition, disease prevention, and physical and emotional care:
- Nutrition is a key element in the quest for good health.
- Disease awareness and prevention involves understanding the causes, symptoms, and ways to prevent diseases, including social determinants and health inequity.
- Physical and emotional care encompass behaviors to manage a healthy body, mind, and spirit throughout life.

“The first wealth is health.”
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
Health and Wellness Community Service Program Club Projects:

Brain Break Boxes
GFWC Sedgefield Woman’s Club, North Carolina
The GFWC Sedgefield Woman’s Club has an ongoing relationship with a local elementary school with limited resources. They researched methods to lessen the stress and frustration of students and collaborated with the principal and teachers to assemble 29 Brain Break Boxes, one for each classroom and the school office. The boxes contained a variety of stress sensory “toys.” A member sewed fleece marble mazes while others purchased the containers and labeled the boxes. Teachers and staff reported that the Brain Break Boxes have addressed a problem, easing the burden on teachers by alleviating student stress.

Health Fair
GFWC Woman’s Club of Pleasanton, Texas
The Woman’s Club of Pleasanton partnered with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and the Texas Department of State Health Services to host their first annual Pleasanton Family Health Expo with the Get Fit Within Our Community theme! Over 20 area health and wellness service providers offered an array of materials and provided health screenings.The club distributed bags, pens, snacks, and water to attendees. Working with state agencies resulted in a successful public relations campaign.
Program IMPACT
GFWC supports actively caring for one’s physical, mental, and emotional health focusing on behaviors to manage a healthy body, mind, and spirit throughout life.
number of projects completed
volunteer hours completed
dollars donated
in kind donations
2023 GFWC Statistical Data