
International Human Rights Day

Sunday December 10th is International Human Rights Day! GFWC’s focus on making a difference in the lives of children, women, and human trafficking victims all falls under the scope of this global day that acknowledges human rights issues, and our need to stand up against the violation of human rights.

The observance honors the UN’s adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights almost seventy years ago. It outlined certain rights— including the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, the right to education, etc. — that everyone is entitled to without discrimination. That means a person’s race, sex, religion, and any other identity status cannot prevent them from having the same rights and standard of living as anyone else. The drafting committee of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was actually chaired by none other than Eleanor Roosevelt, a dynamic leader that GFWC is proud to call one of our own.

A few examples of human rights violations include sexual harassment and assault, unsafe labor conditions, torture, slavery, and child trafficking and labor. GFWC clubs have promoted programs and legislation to support and protect human rights, and International Human Rights Day is a celebration of that tradition. So what can you do to acknowledge the observance this year?

  • Have your club read the Declaration of Human Rights and plan what you can do as a group in 2018 to fight for human rights.
  • Use social media to spread awareness and support for the day. Your social media account can be a platform to talk about why human rights are important to you, and how everyone can make a difference. Encourage your friends and family to educate themselves on how human rights are being violated across the country and the world, and to speak out against it.
  • Find an organization to write letters of solidarity to people whose human rights are being violated.
  • Organize a fundraising event for organizations that work to protect human rights, like GFWC Partners UNICEF and Prevent Child Abuse America.

If you can’t do anything on the actual date, don’t worry! December is actually National Human Rights Month, so you have the whole month to celebrate the human rights we have, and plan how you’re going to make sure they’re upheld!