As part of the GFWC Signature Program: Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention, the GFWC Success For Survivors Scholarship was created in 2011 to lend a helping hand to those impacted by domestic and sexual violence who are pursuing higher education. The scholarship aims to provide survivors with a means to achieve both financial and personal independence. Since its inception, GFWC has awarded more than $97,500 in scholarship funds.
Important Dates

October 10, 2024
Start of GFWC Success for Survivors Scholarship Application Process
February 15, 2025
GFWC Success for Survivors Scholarship Application Deadline
May-June 2025
Recipients Notified
July 2025
Monetary Awards Sent to Educational Institution Upon Receipt of Enrollment Verification
GFWC Signature Program
The Signature Program’s goal is to increase awareness of and help prevent the widespread occurrence of violence against women in communities across the nation—and the globe. Areas of focus include Intimate Partner Violence, Child Abuse, Teen Dating Violence, Campus Sexual Assault, Elder Abuse, Violence Against Native American Women, Military Sexual Assault, and Human Trafficking.
Program IMPACT
GFWC members work together with passion and purpose to prevent domestic and sexual violence, to advocate for victims and survivors, and to educate the public on the prevalence of domestic and sexual violence.
number of projects completed
volunteer hours completed
dollars donated
in kind donations
2023 GFWC Statistical Data