GFWC National Short Story Contest Winner

Jodi Hodges of Anderson Creek Woman’s Club (North Carolina) won GFWC’s 2017 Short Story Contest with a thought-provoking tale about a world where luck functions almost like currency, with rewards and costs for using it.

One of the many successful parts of her story was the subconscious writing style, which Jodi used to create a sense of urgency and chaos that immediately catches the reader’s attention. When asked what she wants readers to take from the story, Jodi said she wanted the story to be a ride, and for readers to think about what kind of choices they might make if put in a similar situation.

Jodi hasn’t written since college, but her return to writing was a success. As for her inspiration, Jodi explained, “I had seen a [writing] prompt for people being limited in luck and started thinking about what that might look like and how it could play a part in people’s lives.” Once she began to imagine that world, her story took off from there. If you want to read Jodi’s absorbing short story, click here.