Amery Woman’s Club 
Members of the Amery Woman’s Club donated funds to support GFWC Affiliate Organization Canine Companions.
The Amery Woman’s Club (Wisconsin) was excited to welcome GFWC Affiliate Organization Canine Companions to their September meeting to learn more about the nonprofit’s work in the service dog industry.
“The clubwomen believe in this organization and helping people,” said Club President Julie Andersen. “And we are all dog lovers.”
Canine Companions volunteer and trainer Michelle attended the club meeting with Chris, who she has had since he was 8 weeks old. Chris came to her from Alaska in October 2021 and has been training with Michelle for the last 15 months. After nine additional months of training, he will be placed with a child, adult, or veteran in need of a companion.
In addition to hearing more about how service animals are trained, the club members donated $200 dollars in support of the organization. The funds were raised through a gift basket raffle.
“These service dogs are just amazing creatures,” Julie said. “They change lives.”
Canine Companions, founded in 1975, is leading the service dog industry so people with disabilities can live with greater independence.
GFWC Wake Forest Woman’s Club 
GFWC Wake Forest Woman’s Club member Beth Dumproff helped transport donations of books and school supplies from the club to the local Boys and Girls Club.
Members of the Education and Libraries Committee of the GFWC Wake Forest Woman’s Club (North Carolina) have been hard at work in their community making a difference for kids of all ages. One of several projects the committee organized in the past several weeks was a donation of school supplies and books to the local Boys and Girls Club. Publicist Elaine Incorvaia said when the clubwomen met and decided that they wanted to support this organization, they reached out for a wish list of supplies from the Boys and Girls Club. After learning more about their after-school activities, members gathered books focused on pre-reading skills and rhyming words.
“The Boys and Girls Club was so thrilled with receiving everything,” she said.
In addition to this donation, the GFWC Wake Forest Woman’s Club also renewed a subscription to the Highlights for Children magazine on behalf of Safe Space, a local domestic violence shelter. Elaine said the members chose to do this because they want the children at the shelter to have something fun and entertaining to focus on and enjoy, even during challenging times.
Lastly, Elaine said the members plan to begin tutoring students at area schools soon. She noted the clubwomen are excited for the opportunity to help kids one-on-one again.
“They are our next generation. We want to support these kids and give them every opportunity we can,” she said. “We want to make education fun.”