Carrizozo Woman’s Club 
Local children will have the opportunity to get active and enjoy their local pool this summer due to funds raised by members of the Carrizozo Woman’s Club (New Mexico).
Club President Nordis Estrem explained that the pool is typically open for about nine weeks throughout the summer, and residents pay $1 per person to use the facility. Since there are many low-income families in the area, the club members chose to donate the funds they raised to the city so that they could be allocated to allow children to use the pool. Nordis added that several other individuals and local organizations donated funds to the city for this purpose as well.
She said that since they live in a small community without many activities for young children, the pool offers an outlet for physical activity and mental stimulation that kids need to stay healthy and out of trouble when they are not in school.
“We feel very strongly that it is important to keep the pool open,” Nordis said
The funds were raised through a community sale, 50/50 raffle, and other food sales at area events.
The Woman’s Club of Clayton 
The Woman’s Club of Clayton (North Carolina) recently provided several new and gently used books to local first graders as part of their Book Bag project. Club President Betsy Grannis explained clubwomen gather the books and then get together to pack bags with three or four books each, along with pencils and a chart so that the kids and their parents or guardians can keep track of the books they’ve read.
Betsy said each year, the members deliver the book bags to the school and stay to read a book or two to the students. This year, 83 book bags were delivered to seven first grade classrooms.
“It is always so cute to go into the classrooms,” Betsy said. “They are always so excited.”
She added the members enjoy participating in this project because it allows the students to have some books of their own to read throughout the summer even if they do not have access to a local library.
“The love of books goes a very long way,” Betsy said.