Volunteers in Action

Volunteers in Action: Durham & Wake Forest Woman’s Clubs

The Wake Forest Woman’s Club (NC) was pleased to collaborate on a community service project with the Durham Woman’s Club (NC). Several clubwomen traveled to Durham, North Carolina, to provide and serve lunch for women and children at the Durham Rescue Mission. The Durham Rescue Mission serves over 400,000 meals per year and provides shelter to homeless men, women, and children. They also provide “The Victory Program” a 12-month plan to help people go from addiction to employment.

Both clubs have plans for future events together and joined together shortly thereafter at The Lemon Tree Cafe in Wake Forest to socialize and strategize. They plan to meet weekly to learn about how the clubs operate and can work together on future projects.

Wake Forest clubwoman Marilyn Bonnett summed up their meeting as, “We are like-minded women in service to the community.”