GFWC Illinois Morris Woman’s Club 
GFWC Illinois Morris Woman’s Club members provided posters about the Angel Shot program to local bars and restaurants to help women in the community feel safe.
To help women and others in their community feel safe, members of the GFWC Illinois Morris Woman’s Club (Illinois) approached local restaurants and bars to ask if they would like to participate in the Angle Shot program. Mary Lee Howard, Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention Chairman, explained that participating businesses were given a laminated poster to display in restrooms. The poster states that if a woman is being annoyed or harassed, her date isn’t who he said he was, or she feels otherwise unsafe, she should go to the bartender or a server and ask for an Angel Shot. The “shot” can be requested in various ways for different forms of assistance, including “neat” if they need an escort to their vehicle, “dressed” if they need a ride service, or “with lime” if they need the police. Businesses were also provided a laminated sheet for behind the bar with these descriptions listed.
“I thought this was a wonderful opportunity to help protect people,” Mary Lee said. “I want people to feel safe in our community.”
The club mainly focused on approaching businesses that sell alcoholic beverages, but Mary Lee said they would love to give other and new businesses posters as well. Almost 30 businesses agreed to participate in the Angle Shot program and some requested multiple posters to put up in their facilities.
Mary Lee explained the posters were designed to be attractive and eye-catching, and they state that they were provided by the GFWC Illinois Morris Woman’s Club at the bottom.
“I think this is a worthwhile project for any club in any size community,” she said. “This is close to our hearts.”
GFWC Minnesota 
GFWC Minnesota member Kay James presented a donation check to Kelly Procida, UNICEF USA Manager, Global Cause Partnerships, during the GFWC 2022 Annual Convention.
GFWC Minnesota clubwomen celebrated the Kentucky Derby by raising funds for GFWC Affiliate Organization UNICEF USA’s humanitarian relief efforts in Ukraine. Jean Walker, GFWC Minnesota Past State President (2018-2020), explained that the State Federation organizes a fundraiser at their State Convention each year since it always takes place during the Kentucky Derby in the first weekend in May. Members who want to “bet” on a horse can donate a dollar or more to participate in the fundraisers, and winners will have bragging rights for the year.
The money raised is usually donated to the state’s LEADS fund, Jean said, but members instead voted to donate the funds collected this year to UNICEF for Ukraine.
“We felt the families there needed our help and we wanted to give back to them,” she said. “Our goal was to help children get food and water.”
GFWC Minnesota member Kay James presented the donation check to Kelly Procida, UNICEF USA Manager, Global Cause Partnerships, during the GFWC 2022 Annual Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana.