
Volunteers in Action: GFWC Lake City Women’s Club (Michigan), GFWC Crescent City Woman’s Club (Florida), GFWC Woman’s Club of Palatka (Florida), and GFWC Woman’s Club of Welaka (Florida)

GFWC Lake City Women’s Club (Michigan) is involved with so many activities within their city. Their hard work and dedication has granted them The Community Spirit Award. This prestigious award at the Annual Chamber of Commerce Banquet took them by complete surprise. In fact, only three awards are presented at the annual banquet and LCWC along with an active member, Tiffany Ziegler, received two of them.

Michelle, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce praised the club for their unending volunteer involvement in their community. Michelle cherished the fact that whenever a need arises, GFWC Lake City Women’s Club (LCWC) are there with ideas and volunteers to get the job done. LCWC brings pride and enjoyment to everything they touch.

Tiffany Ziegler, owner of Main Street Spectacles and proud member of GFWC Lake City Women’s Club, was presented with the award for Business of the Month. Besides being a thriving business, she is well known for her personal attention to detail and always looking for ways to help her community. She has set up a program to provide glasses for low income students at nearby schools.

GFWC Lake City Women’s Club is very proud and humbled to be recognized for the Community Spirit Award and promises to continue their mission to make the world a better place, one activity at a time!

Four GFWC Florida Clubs, GFWC Crescent City Woman’s Club, GFWC Woman’s Club of Palatka, and GFWC Woman’s Club of Welaka collectively organize the charity Pink Out Putnam, a group that supports breast cancer awareness. The Pink Out Putnam committee presented a check for $12,000 to the Board of Directors of the Putnam First Cancer Fund.
These women and a few others have worked very hard for the last two months doing a variety of activities to raise funds for this cause. They flocked yards, ‘pinked out” homes and businesses, sold smoked pork butts, bagged groceries for tips, and set up their “POP stuff” table anywhere they could.

The GFWC organization has a long history of stepping up and doing what it takes to help their communities. These women are dedicated to their role as volunteer leaders in their respective clubs and are involved in many other service projects as well. They are definitely living the volunteer spirit!

Pictured here (in pink) with the board of directors are committee members Mary Dawn Christopherson, Jimmie Clark, Dee Craft and Deb Johnson from the GFWC Woman’s Club of Welaka. Elizabeth van Rensburg and Kay Register from the GFWC Woman’s Club of Palatka and Mindy Estep and Carol Horner from the GFWC Crescent City Woman’s Club. It was these three clubs of Putnam County that started this charity together.