GFWC Rhode Island 
Following the lead of GFWC Rhode Island State President Debra Capuano, several GFWC Rhode Island clubs participated in a donation challenge with GFWC Affiliate Organization March of Dimes. Rhode Island clubs were challenged with a goal of making five baby hats, five blankets, and five mommy bags per club. GFWC Cranston Community Women’s Club, GFWC Women’s Club of South County, GFWC Bristol Community Women’s Club, GFWC Warwick Women’s Club, GFWC Wampanoag Women’s Club, and GFWC Rhode Island Alumni Club went above and beyond for this challenge. In total, clubwomen made 76 blankets, 737 hats, 125 baby headbands, and 40 mommy bags filled with personal care supplies. Monetary donations from club members and additional donations from family, friends, and the East Providence Senior Center were also collected. Ten boxes of donations were shipped to March of Dimes.
GFWC Woman’s Club of Ste. Genevieve 
With open hearts, members of the GFWC Woman’s Club of Ste. Genevieve (Missouri) embraced the opportunity to assist their community for what they said is one of the most important endeavors in their lifetime. After learning about the many people involved with COVID-19 vaccines around the world and of the great demands upon the healthcare system to vaccinate against the coronavirus, Eileen Roth, GFWC Woman’s Club of Ste. Genevieve recording secretary, contacted Vaccine Distribution Coordinator Katie Hogenmiller, of Ste. Genevieve Memorial Hospital. Eileen offered the volunteer services of the club members. Members eagerly volunteered to help with the vaccine clinics by assisting with registration, directing people to stations for the shots, and any other requests by Ms. Hogenmiller.
For the month of March, clubwomen attended the six vaccination clinics and eleven members volunteered more than 66 hours. Members also volunteered at three additional clinics in April. The club members said they will continue to volunteer as long as these clinics are held and that being part of such an important endeavor provides a rewarding experience for them.
Women’s Club of Farmingdale 
Women’s Club of Farmingdale (New York) member Dolores Cianciabella, together with her daughter, Carolyn Hanson, packaged 50 healthy snack packs to donate to those facing food insecurity during these challenging times. Carolyn was chosen as “Volunteer of the Month” by her company, AIG, and she chose YOU MATTERnation as her charity of choice. They supplied her with a MATTERbox Volunteer Kit. Each healthy snack pack contained whole grain crackers, an unsweetened fruit serving, and protein WOW butter (a peanut butter substitute). Also included in each pack was a personal note stating “YOU MATTER.”
As a surprise to her mom, Carolyn presented her with the entire box of 50 packs to donate to a charity of her choice in the name of the Women’s Club of Farmingdale. Dolores chose the St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Farmingdale, New York, which provides a free hot meal once a month to those in need. GFWC New York State President Linda Kreussling, Women’s Club of Farmingdale President Tina Diamond, and Dolores Cianciabella distributed the packs to St. Thomas on May 29.