GFWC Yucaipa Woman’s Club 
During their annual “Christmas in July” luncheon, GFWC Yucaipa Woman’s Club members donated toys and snacks for children in the community.
For the fifth year, the GFWC Yucaipa Woman’s Club (California) hosted a “Christmas in July” luncheon for members to donate bags and boxes of toys and snacks to the Loma Linda Ronald McDonald House. Clubwoman Virginia Cosby said this year members filled two eight-foot-long tables with donations during the event.
While the club gives donations of toys and other items to children in need during the holiday season through local police and fire departments, Virginia said they wanted to ensure kids were looked after year-round, which initially prompted them to reach out to Ronald McDonald House Charities about making a donation during the summers.
“Kids should have toys all year,” she said. “We love our Christmas in July, and we look forward to it every year.”
This year, Virginia said the Ronald McDonald House requested items for infants and teenagers, and a volunteer coordinator joined the clubwomen for the lunch. She also provided a brief talk about the history and mission of Ronald McDonald House Charities.
“It’s such a wonderful organization. We are so happy to be working with them.” Virginia said.
GFWC Tellico Village 
Clubwomen in one Tennessee club came together to sew dresses and shorts for children in need in Haiti.
Members of GFWC Tellico Village (Tennessee) have been hard at work sewing colorful clothing for children in need. Club President Michele Ondeck said clubwomen recently donated 40 handmade sundresses, 40 pairs of handmade shorts, and 40 T-shirts and pairs of underwear to the Dezman Fleury Foundation for children in Haiti through the David Leslie Ministries.
Michele explained there is a group of members within the club who enjoy getting together and completing sewing projects, such as on behalf of Operation Smile and other local organizations in need.
“Every club has projects that are dear to them, and I think our favorite projects have always been focused on local child advocacy,” she said. “But we wanted to reach out more on an international level.”
In total, Michele said members spent nearly 80 hours sewing the clothing items. The club members plan to continue to work on sewing projects to support children in need around the world in the future.