Hightstown Woman’s Club 
Members of the Hightstown Woman’s Club (New Jersey) were in the holiday spirit early this year as they spent the past week stuffing 42 handmade Christmas stockings for men and women serving in the military overseas. Second Vice President Barb Harrington said the club has been participating in the project for several years and the clubwomen always look forward to this time of year.
“We wanted to do something to help the men and women who are serving who can’t get home for Christmas,” she said.
Barb explained that each year the GFWC New Jersey State Federation sends out lists of needed supplies that can go in the stockings and then participating clubs fill the stockings and drop them off to the State Headquarters, where they are then mailed overseas. This year, the Hightstown Woman’s Club filled their stockings with shampoo, body wash, deodorant, tissues, puzzle books, protein bars, candy, and other treats and personal hygiene items.
Barb said this is a fun way for the clubwomen to get together and make a positive difference.
“Whether it is in our own community or an outreach situation, we all like to help,” she said.
Morgan Park Woman’s Club 
Since 2000, the Morgan Park Woman’s Club (Illinois) has helped provide local students with diverse, educational, and fun books through their Books for Schools project. Cheryl Tully, project co-chair, explained the club provides books to 12 classrooms in seven of the local public schools. They raise the money for the books through various other projects and fundraisers throughout the year.
Cheryl said the club always purchases the books from an independent bookseller in the community who selects a wide variety and range of titles for the students. She added that with everything that is going on in the world, the clubwomen feel it is important for the kids to have access to diverse information.
“I think this is a great way to introduce the kids to different topics,” she said.
Last year, the club purchased 144 books. The club will begin purchasing books for this year’s donation soon.
Cheryl said the teachers are always thrilled when they make the book donation and the clubwomen are equally enthusiastic about the project each year.