Ladies Tourist Club 
The Ladies Tourist Club (Minnesota), continues to support the American Red Cross by helping to organize and volunteer at blood drives every year. Club President Judy Loewe said even when COVID-19 restrictions caused various shutdowns throughout the country, the clubwomen did what they could to help.
“There’s always a need for blood,” Judy said. “We are here to help Red Cross get the blood to the people who need it.”
Judy explained the Ladies Tourist Club and a nearby church, Altona Hutterite Brethren, Inc., worked together to coordinate and assist at 12 blood drives in the past two years in Henderson, Minnesota.
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Judy said there was a learning curve to understand how to keep everyone safe while they donated or volunteered. Safety protocols were put into place such as wearing face masks, taking everyone’s temperature, sanitizing hands regularly, maintaining distance, wiping down surfaces frequently, and keeping sandwiches and cookies in individual bags. These safety procedures remain in place in various ways in an effort to prevent the spread of the virus.
With a history of supporting the American Red Cross since 1979, Judy said she hopes the club and the community will continue to see the importance of donating blood to benefit those in need for years to come.
GFWC Women’s Civic League, Inc. 
Members of the GFWC Women’s Civic League, Inc. (Utah) wrapped and donated gifts to residents and clients of North Eastern Services, an organization that offers support to adults living with disabilities by providing opportunities to achieve independence, improve self-esteem, and live a full life.
Club member Linda Kuwana said the club was able to donate gifts to 17 adults in five different group homes by raising money through their annual poinsettia sale. Items donated included clothing, games, bedding, arts and crafts materials, board games, and holiday treats.
Linda said the members wanted to participate in this project to help an often forgotten group of individuals.
“Once people age out of a lot of services at 18, they do not always have other places to get support. North Eastern Services does a lot to help people with daily activities, taking care of themselves, helping vocationally, and they help them feel like they can be part of the community and have self-worth.”
This is the third year the club has donated to the organization, and Linda said they will likely continue to offer their support annually.