
Vote in the GFWC Video Contest

In the spirit of coming together to recognize our dynamic past and exciting future, GFWC is excited to host a special video contest. Each of the three finalist submitted a video answering the question, “What does being a GFWC clubwoman mean to you?” Now, clubwomen across the nation are invited to vote for their favorite video. The finalist are encouraged to share their submission with friends, family, and their community and encourage them to vote! Voting will take place from May 15 to May 31. Contest rules allow for a maximum of one voter per person, per day. The winning club will receive a $100 gift card for the GFWC Marketplace.

Visit the GFWC Facebook page to cast your vote.

GFWC Connecticut

GFWC Melbourne Woman’s Club (Florida)

GFWC Nevada Mesquite Club, Inc.